Daisuke Ikegami, Nam Trang. Preservation of AD via forcings. Preprint. Accepted in Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2023
Daisuke Ikegami, Philipp Schlicht. Forcing over choiceless models and generic absoluteness. Preprint. 2022
Determinacy and regularity properties for idealized forcings. Mathematical Logic Quarterly. 2022. 68. 3. 310-317
Daisuke Ikegami, Nam Trang. On Supercompactness of $\omega _1. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 369. 2022. 27-45
Daisuke Ikegami, Philipp Schlicht, Hisao Tanaka. Borel subsets of the real line and continuous reducibility. Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2019. 244. 3. 209-241