








J-GLOBAL ID:201101062798377681 更新日: 2025年03月05日

飯田 香穂里

Iida Kaori

講演・口頭発表等 (14件)

  • Seedless watermelon: The development of triploids and later invention narratives in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan
    (The First Workshop on Trans-Asia Scientific Diplomacy in Cold War Japan and Korea, Kanagawa University, Yokohama 2024)
  • Digital archiving of unpublished documents in Japan
    ("Digital Archives: Opportunities and Challenges for the East Asian History of Science, Technology and Medicine" workshop, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 2024)
  • Perspectives on the history of genetics in Japan: Plants, radiations and institutions
    ("Genes, Genomes and Identities: Japan in National and Transnational Perspectives" workshop, Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo 2023)
  • カツオとマグロと放射線:1950年代の三浦半島
    (日本科学史学会(第70回年会) 2023)
  • Nuclear medicine and the bombs: How the new field was developed in Japan and in whose bodies
    (“Nuclear Research in Medicine After the Second World War” symposium, Austrian Academy of Sciences/Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2023)
  • Kyoto University mountaineering group’s alternative vision in Cold War Asia: From Nakao Sasuke’s theory to Japan’s agricultural aid in Bhutan
    (History of Science Society annual meeting 2022)
  • Trans-war continuity and postwar tensions: Kawaishi Kunio's medical projects in colonial Taiwan and postwar Hiroshima
    ("Trans-Asian History of Science, Medicine, and the Environment in South Korea and Japan" workshop, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea 2022)
  • 無知生産の力学:アグノトロジーの“歴史”再検討(シンポジウム「無知研究の諸相--無知学・無知の社会学・無知の認識論」)
    (日本科学史学会(第69回年会) 2022)
  • 日本の学術体制史研究-資料整備とその歴史研究 その5
    (日本科学史学会(第69回年会) 2022)
  • Atoms for Peace in Hiroshima: Kawaishi Kunio, the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, and the development of nuclear medicine in the bombed city in the 1950s
    (Association for Asian Studies 2022 annual conference 2022)
  • 日本の植物・染色体図から見た『客観性』
    (日本科学史学会 生物学史分科会シンポジウム「ダストン/ギャリソン『客観性』をめぐって」 2022)
  • Studying biological effects of radiation: Contested collaborations of Japanese and American scientists in the bombed city Hiroshima
    (History of Science Society (HSS)-Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) joint meeting 2021)
  • 日本の染色体研究初期:木原均、牧野佐二郎らパイオニアの足跡をたどる
    (日本遺伝学会 第93回大会 2021)
  • 原爆傷害調査委員会と日本の科学者コミュニティー:被爆地におけるそれぞれの「原子力平和利用」運動
    (第230回 広島大学平和センター研究会 2021)

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