J-GLOBAL ID:201101069077877327
更新日: 2024年12月29日 辻本 悟史
Tsujimoto Satoshi
- Valeria Fascianelli, Aldo Battista, Fabio Stefanini, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio, Stefano Fusi. Neural representational geometries reflect behavioral differences in monkeys and recurrent neural networks. Nature communications. 2024. 15. 1. 6479-6479
- Chihiro Hosoda, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Masaru Tatekawa, Manabu Honda, Rieko Osu, Takashi Hanakawa. Plastic frontal pole cortex structure related to individual persistence for goal achievement. Communications biology. 2020. 3. 1. 194-194
- Valeria Fascianelli, Lorenzo Ferrucci, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Neural Correlates of Strategy Switching in the Macaque Orbital Prefrontal Cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2020. 40. 15. 3025-3034
- Marcos E, Tsujimoto S, Mattia M, Genovesio A. A Network Activity Reconfiguration Underlies the Transition from Goal to Action. Cell reports. 2019. 27. 10. 2909-2920.e4
- Valentina Mione, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Neural Correlations Underlying Self-Generated Decision in the Frontal Pole Cortex during a Cued Strategy Task. Neuroscience. 2019. 404. 519-528
- Fascianelli V, Tsujimoto S, Marcos E, Genovesio A. Autocorrelation Structure in the Macaque Dorsolateral, But not Orbital or Polar, Prefrontal Cortex Predicts Response-Coding Strength in a Visually Cued Strategy Task. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2019. 29. 1. 230-241
- Encarni Marcos, Simon Nougaret, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Outcome Modulation Across Tasks in the Primate Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex. Neuroscience. 2018. 371. 96-105
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Firing Variability of Frontal Pole Neurons during a Cued Strategy Task. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2017. 29. 1. 25-36
- Encarni Marcos, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Independent coding of absolute duration and distance magnitudes in the prefrontal cortex. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2017. 117. 1. 195-203
- Aldo Genovesio, Lucia K. Seitz, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Steven P. Wise. Context-Dependent Duration Signals in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. CEREBRAL CORTEX. 2016. 26. 8. 3345-3356
- Encarni Marcos, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio. Event- and time-dependent decline of outcome information in the primate prefrontal cortex. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016. 6. 25622
- Aldo Genovesio, Rossella Cirillo, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Sara Mohammad Abdellatif, Steven P. Wise. Automatic comparison of stimulus durations in the primate prefrontal cortex: the neural basis of across-task interference. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2015. 114. 1. 48-56
- A. Genovesio, S. Tsujimoto. From Duration and Distance Comparisons to Goal Encoding in Prefrontal Cortex. NEUROBIOLOGY OF INTERVAL TIMING. 2014. 829. 167-186
- Aldo Genovesio, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Giulia Navarra, Rossella Falcone, Steven P. Wise. Autonomous Encoding of Irrelevant Goals and Outcomes by Prefrontal Cortex Neurons. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2014. 34. 5. 1970-1978
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Akira Yasumura, Yushiro Yamashita, Miyuki Torii, Makiko Kaga, Masumi Inagaki. Increased Prefrontal Oxygenation Related to Distractor-Resistant Working Memory in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. 2013. 44. 5. 678-688
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio, Steven P. Wise. Neuronal Activity during a Cued Strategy Task: Comparison of Dorsolateral, Orbital, and Polar Prefrontal Cortex. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2012. 32. 32. 11017-11031
- Aldo Genovesio, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Steven P. Wise. Encoding Goals but Not Abstract Magnitude in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. NEURON. 2012. 74. 4. 656-662
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Bradley R. Postle. The Prefrontal Cortex and Oculomotor Delayed Response: A Reconsideration of the "Mnemonic Scotoma". JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 2012. 24. 3. 627-635
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Takemasa Yokoyama, Yasuki Noguchi, Shinichi Kita, Ryusuke Kakigi. Modulation of neuromagnetic responses to face stimuli by preceding biographical information. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2011. 34. 12. 2043-2053
- Satoshi Tsujimoto, Aldo Genovesio, Steven P. Wise. Frontal pole cortex: encoding ends at the end of the endbrain. TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES. 2011. 15. 4. 169-176