








J-GLOBAL ID:201201069280932284 更新日: 2025年02月17日

藤澤 誠

フジサワ マコト | FUJISAWA Makoto

論文 (86件)

  • Tanaka, Kojiro, Mizuno, Akito, Kato, Toranosuke, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. ProgrammableGrass: A Shape-Changing Artificial Grass Display Adopted for Dynamic and Interactive Display Features. IEEE ACCESS. 2024. 12. 45654-45673
  • Mizuno, Akito, Tanaka, Kojiro, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. 3D Computer Graphics-Based Grass Pixel Simulation System for Color Scale Mapping Method. 2023 International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments(ICAT-EGVE). 2023
  • Chen, Zeyuan, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. CGSDNet: Cascade Network with ConvNeXt as Backbone for Glass Surface Detection. 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA). 2023. 230-235
  • 鈴木, 龍, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦. 並列計算に適したメッシュレス破壊シミュレーション手法. 画像電子学会誌. 2023. 52. 4. 500-506
  • 黒須, 康平, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦. 伝熱を考慮した位置ベース法による落雪シミュレーション. VC+VCC2023予稿集. 2023. 34:1-34:5
  • Wang, Xu, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko. XProtoSphere: an eXtended multi-sized sphere packing algorithm driven by particle size distribution. VISUAL COMPUTER. 2023. 39. 8. 3333-3346
  • 今井, 翔輝, 出村, 佑史, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦. 側鎖結合を考慮した毛髪の相互作用シミュレーション. 情報処理学会論文誌. 2023. 64. 6. 1095-1104
  • 田中, 康二郎, 加藤, 優一, 水野, 暁斗, 加藤, 虎之介, 三河, 正彦, 藤澤, 誠. AnimatedGreenery: 芝生濃淡制御システムを用いた形状変化人工芝ディスプレイ. INTERACTION2023予稿集. 2023. 2B-43
  • 水野, 暁斗, 田中, 康二郎, 加藤, 優一, 加藤, 虎之介, 三河, 正彦, 藤澤, 誠. 3DCGシミュレーションを用いた人工芝ピクセルの階調評価手法. INTERACTION2023予稿集. 2023. 1P-62
  • Kato, Yuichi, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. Faster Few-Shot Face Image Generation with Features of Specific Group Using Pivotal Tuning Inversion and PCA. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC 2023). 2023. 419-424
  • Tanaka, Kojiro, Kato, Yuichi, Mizuno, Akito, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. Dynamic grass color scale display technique based on grass length for green landscape-friendly animation display. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2023. 13. 1
  • Xu, Wang, Makoto, Fujisawa, Masahiko, Mikawa. Multi-Sized Particle Sampling Method Based on Porosity Optimization in 2D Space. IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing. 2022. 10. 2. 151-161
  • 佐々木, 龍, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦. しぶきを考慮したShallow Waterシミュレーションのための集光模様レンダリング. VC+VCC2022予稿集. 2022
  • 矢花, 明莉, 藤澤, 誠, 三河, 正彦. 航空力学に基づくパラシュートを用いた昼花火のシミュレーション. 画像電子学会誌. 2022. 51. 4. 327-331
  • Wang, Youwei, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. FCH-SLAM: A SLAM Method for Dynamic Environments using Semantic Segmentation. 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRoB2022). 2022
  • Tanaka, Kojiro, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. Natural Landscape-Friendly Animation Display Technique Using Shape-Changing Artificial Grass System. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021). 2021. 2549-2554
  • Kato, Yuichi, Mikawa, Masahiko, Fujisawa, Makoto. Face Image Generation with Features of Specific Group from Small Dataset. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2021). 2021
  • Wang, Xu, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko. Visual Simulation of Soil-Structure Destruction with Seepage Flows. PACMCGIT. 2021. 4. 3. 41:1-41:18
  • Imai, Shoki, Fujisawa, Makoto, Mikawa, Masahiko. Positon Based Hair Plastic Deformation due to Interaction with Liquid. Proceedings of the 7th IIEEJ International Conference on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2021). 2021. 2B-1:1-2B-1:4
  • Mikawa, Masahiko, Chen, Haolin, Fujisawa, Makoto. Face Memorization Using AIM Model for Mobile Robot and Its Application to Name Calling Function. SENSORS. 2020. 20. 22

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