Effect of regulated intramembrane proteolysis on megaln expression during oxidative stress exposure.
(57th European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA 2020 2020)
Analysis of mitochondrial proteins present in the urine during the normoalbuminuric stage of diabetes mellitus.
(The 16th Conference of Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASMRM) and The 19th Conference of Japanese Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (J-mit) 2019)
Alterations in renal cortical mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy during the normoalbuminuric stage of diabetes mellitus.
(2019 71st American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo 2019)
(第35回日本臨床化学会関東支部例会 2018)
Renal cortical mitochondrial dynamics and elimination during the normoalbuminuric stage of diabetes mellitus.
(Kidney Week 2018, San Diego, USA 2018)