J-GLOBAL ID:201401002273018701
更新日: 2024年11月19日 鈴木 咲衣
スズキサキエ | Suzuki Sakie
Construction of quantum g invariant via ideal triangulation
(PMI Quantum Topology Seminar (POSTECH, Korea) 2016) -
Construction of quantum g invariant via ideal triangulation
(WINJ9 (Sophia University, Japan) 2016) -
The origin of thinking -between theory and reality-
(The annual report symposium by Hakubi Center, 2016) -
Construction of quantum g invariant via ideal triangulation
(Workshop on finite type invariants of 3-manifolds (The university of Tokyo) 2016) -
Quantum invariants of knots
(Topology Seminar (Leiden University) 2015) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor invariants
(Quantum seminar (University of Strasbourg) 2015) -
Quantum invariants and Cyclotomic completion of polynomial rings
(第8回数論女性の集まり(WINJ8) 2015) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor invariants
(N-KOOK セミナー(大阪市立大学文化交流センター) 2014) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor invariants
(数理解析研究所 談話会(RIMS, 京都大学) 2014) -
The universal sl2 weight system on the space of tree Jacobi diagrams
(Topology and Geometry of Low-dimensional Manifolds(Nara International Seminar House) 2014) -
Quantum Topology and LMO invariant
(Workshop on the universal finite type invariants(東京大学) 2014) -
Knots and Quantum Topology
(白眉セミナー(京都大学白眉センター) 2014) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor invariants
(Low dimensional topology and number theory VI(福岡ソフトリサーチパークセンター) 2014) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor’s invariant
(Topology and algebra on mapping class groups of surfaces(神奈川) 2013) -
Claspers and the category of cobordisms
(Workshop on knot theory presented by women in mathematics(University of Zurich, ETH, Switzerland) 2013) -
Groups and Lie algebras of string links
(Workshop on knot theory presented by women in mathematics(University of Zurich, ETH, Switzerland) 2013) -
Introduction to Quantun Topology
(Seminar on Geometric representation theory and Quantum integrable system(名古屋大学) 2013) -
Knots and Quantum Topology
(Intersection of Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics II(九州大学) 2013) -
The universal sl2 invariant and Milnor’s invariant
(火曜トポロジーセミナー(九州大学) 2013) -
Bing doubling and the colored Jones polynomial
(日本数学会2013年度年会(京都大学) 2013)