J-GLOBAL ID:201401052193849391
更新日: 2025年03月21日 塩貝 純一
シオガイ ジュンイチ | Shiogai Junichi
(R6年度 第7回 強磁場コラボラトリー オンラインセミナー 2024) -
Supercurrent rectification effect in an iron-based superconductor heterostructure
(The 37th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2024) 2024) -
Impact of strain on magnetic properties in a freestanding La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 membrane
(The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA2024) 2024) -
金研7年導の過ごし方 一若手研究者の例
(2024年度金研科研費等説明会 若手研究者キャリアに関するセミナー 2024) -
(光・スピン・量子物性セミナー 2024) -
(日本磁気学会第244回研究会/第7回磁気センサ専門研究会 2023) -
(界面物性セミナー 2021) -
(鉄系高温超伝導 発見10周年記念合同シンポジウム(低温工学・超伝導学会材料研究会2018年度第1回材料研究会、応用物理学会超伝導分科会第57回研究会) 2018) -
Fermi level tuning across the Dirac point in Bi2Se3 based thin films
(Tohoku/SG-Spin Workshop on Spintronics 2018) -
High-temperature superconductivity in ion-gated ultrathin FeSe films
(IUMRS-ICAM 2017 (The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials) 2017) -
(日本物理学会第72回年次大会 2017) -
Electrochemical etching induced high temperature superconductivity in FeSe electric double layer transistors
(The 29th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2016) 2016) -
Electrochemical-Etching Approach to Achieving Ultrathin FeSe Using Electric Double Layer Transistor
(2016 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2016) -
Electrochemical etching approach to ultrathin FeSe films using electric double layer transistor
(JSPS-EPSRC Tohoku-Cambridge-CNRS Core to Core program Symposium "Two dimensional electronics/spintronics devices 2016) -
High temperature superconductivity in electrochemically-etched FeSe thin films
(International Symposium on Revolutionary Atomic-Layer Materials 2016) -
High-Tc superconductivity at 40 K observed in electrochemically etched FeSe films
(The 5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM 2016) 2016)