研究キーワード (8件):
, Interdisciplinarity
, Early Modern Studies
, Critical Theory
, English Literature
, Musicology
, Cultural Studies
, Eighteenth Century Studies
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
2020 - 2024 多様性の時代-日本の英語教育を考える
2016 - 2019 The interactive/ reciprocal relationships between Western music/ culture and Japanese music/culture in the the 20th (and 21st) century
2004 - 2004 Research Project Grant
2003 - 2004 Departmental Grant for Postgraduate Research
2002 - 2003 Departmental Grant for Postgraduate Research
2002 - 2003 University of Queensland Graduate Research School Travel Award
2001 - 2001 Small Project Grant
1999 - 1999 Small Project Grant
論文 (47件):
Barnaby Ralph. William Croft: Three Odes with Orchestra. Musicology Australia. 2024
バーナビー ラルフ. Visualising Rhetoric: Reflections on Barthes, Tradition, and the Project of Semiotic Foregrounding. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Seikei University. 2024. 59. 21-32
バーナビー ラルフ. The Uses of Fable: Three Eighteenth-century Versions of the Phaedri Fabulae. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Seikei University. 2023. 58. 1-19
Barnaby Ralph. Translating Sublimity: Early Modern Interpretations of the Perì Hýpsous. 『意味をすくいあげて 通訳者と翻訳者の終わりなき挑戦』(風間書房). 2022. 326-362
Barnaby Ralph. The King of Alsander by James Elroy Flecker: Romanticism in an Unromantic Age. Seikei Review of English Studies. 2022. 24. 1-12
バーナビーラルフ. Madama Butterfly / Madamu Batafurai: Transpositions of a “Japanese Tragedy,” by Arthur Groos. 2024. 77. 1. 250-253
Barnaby Ralph. The Democracy of Suffering: Life on the Edge of Catastrophe, Philosophy in the Anthropocene. The European Legacy. 2021. 26. 7-8. 865-866
Barnaby Ralph. Review: "The Democracy of Suffering," by Todd Dufresne. The Japan Times. 2019. October 6th Sunday Edition. 18
書籍 (2件):
Music in the Making of Modern Japan: Essays on Reception, Transformation and Cultural Flows
Palgrave Macmillan 2021
London and Literature, 1603-1901
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017
講演・口頭発表等 (64件):
Replica, Relic, Real: The Vintage Guitar as Intermedial Topos
(Sixth Edinburgh-Meiji Intermedia Symposium 2024)
“Dancing with the Absent Centre: Ken Russell’s Salome’s Last Dance and Mythologised Indifference”
(The 49th Annual Conference of the Oscar Wilde Society of Japan 2024)
Film and Intermediality
(Intermediality and Arts: New Connections, University of Edinburgh 2024)
A Guitar Maker's Workbench
(Tokyo Humanities Cafe 17 2024)
Rhetoric as Metalanguage in the Western Tradition
(70回文化交流茶話会 2024)