J-GLOBAL ID:201601011378341715
更新日: 2024年11月27日 加藤 浩
カトウ ヒロシ | Kato Hiroshi
(農林水産省 若手研修 2019) -
(農研機構 新人研修 2019) -
Contribution and utilization of genetic resources in Japan
(International collaboration research for conservation, characterization, development, utilization, and sharing of crop germplasm between Japan and Lao PDR 2019) -
Whole Genome Sequencing of Rice Mutants Induced by Gamma Rays and Ion Beams
(FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology 2018) -
Identification of a novel locus sh2-ON for seed shattering in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by combining bulked sergeant analysis with whole genome sequencing
(FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology 2018) -
Development of a new rice mutation breeding method for the selection of higher yield physiological mutants
(FAO/IAEA (国際原子力機関)International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology 2018) -
Field training of mutation breeding
(IAEA: Regional Training Course on Methodologies and Mechanisms for Screening against Abiotic Stresses 2018) -
Exercises for a New Method for High Yield Rice Mutation Breeding
(IAEA: Regional Training Course on Methodologies and Mechanisms for Screening against Abiotic Stresses 2018) -
Basics of a New Method for High Yield Rice Mutation Breeding
(IAEA: Regional Training Course on Methodologies and Mechanisms for Screening against Abiotic Stresses 2018) -
Selection of Higher yield mutants in rice
(Mutation breeding international symposium 2016) -
Identification of a resistance gene to the 4-HPPD inhibitory herbicide from Japonica rice and its incorporation into IR64
(IRRI-JIRCAS-NARO symposium 2016) -
(稲・コメ・ごはん部会(東京農大) 2016) -
(JICA キューバトレーニングコース 2014) -
(JICA アフリカトレーニングコース 2012) -
(農政課題解決研修(中央畜産会研修) 2012) -
(農政課題解決研修(中央畜産会研修) 2011) -
Breeding of High-yielding Rice Varieties in Japan
(JIRCAS International Symposium 2011"Trends of International Rice Research and Japanese Scientific Conribution Support to GRiSP and CARD" 2011) -
(農政課題解決研修(中央畜産会研修) 2010) -
(JICA アフリカトレーニングコース 2010) -
(農大校 講義 2009)