Nobuhiro Masuda, Yosaku Matsutani, Yasuharu Akiyoshi, Juppo Yokokawa, Kazuhiro Jo. Two Approaches to Human-decentred Design: Between Life and Matter. WDO Research and Education Forum 2023 Proceedings / Design Beyond. 2024. 99-104
秋吉康晴. 廃棄物のメディア論に向けての予備的考察. 京都精華大学研究紀要. 2023. 56
Nobuhiro Masuda, Yosaku Matsutani, Yasuharu Akiyoshi, Kazuhiro Jo, Juppo Yokokawa. Reinventing Phonography: Three Case Studies of the Transduction. ISEA2022, International Symposium on Electronic Art, Barcelona. Proceedings. 2022. 861-863
Yasuharu Akiyoshi. Living Instruments: Circuit-Bending toward a New Materialism of Technoculture in the Anthropocene. Journal of Global Pop Cultures. 2022. 1