J-GLOBAL ID:201601013443893561   更新日: 2024年08月30日

Fogal Gary G

フォーガル ゲーリー ジー | Fogal Gary G
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (3件): 外国語教育 ,  英語学 ,  言語学
研究キーワード (5件): child bilingualism ,  Stylistics ,  Literature in language instruction ,  L2 writing, complex dynamic systems, developmental processes ,  writing systems, literacy development, language change
論文 (21件):
  • Gary G. Fogal. Surveying L2 Shakespeare studies in Canadian secondary schools. Language Teaching for Young Learners. 2024
  • Gary G. Fogal. Expanding the collaborative writing research framework: A longitudinal analysis of how collaborative and independent writers orient to writing spaces. Journal of Second Language Writing. 2024. 63. 101096-101096
  • Gary G. Fogal. Raising learner awareness of L2 writing spaces: supporting researchers, teachers, and learners through system mapping. Language Awareness. 2023
  • Gary G. Fogal. Book review: A dynamic systems theory perspective on L2 writing development, Li Shaopeng , Routledge (2022). Journal of Second Language Writing. 2023. 60. 100977-100977
  • Gary G. Fogal. Educational Landscapes Through a Complexity Theory Lens: Using System Mapping to Investigate L2 Shakespeare Studies in Secondary Schools. International Journal of Complexity in Education. 2023. Vol 4. 1. 115-138
書籍 (7件):
  • Complex dynamic systems theory and L2 writing development
    John Benjamins 2020 ISBN:9789027205575
  • Author, Global focus: Integrated skills through cultural events (Oxford University Press)
  • Series Editor, Daily Journal Writing (Gimm Young Sa Publishers)
  • Series Editor, Letter & Short Fiction Writing (Gimm Young Sa Publishers)
  • Series Editor, CV & Resume Writing (Gimm Young Sa Publishers)
講演・口頭発表等 (33件):
  • Conceptualizing writing spaces: Mapping learner landscapes
    (JALT2024 - 50th International Conference 2024)
  • Foregrounding localized needs: System mapping as an innovative research tool for developing meaningful learning spaces
    (21st AILA World Congress, Kuala Lumpur 2024)
  • Promoting meaningful learning outcomes by foregrounding a stakeholder account of L2 educational spaces
    (58th RELC International Conference, SEAMO Regional Language Centre, Singapore 2024)
  • Methods for exploring educational systems: Cross-pollinating complexity and sociocultural theories. Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning.
    (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto 2023)
  • Investigating school-based L2 learning: Mapping out the educational landscape.
    (Research Colloquium in Languages and Literacies Education. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. University of Toronto 2023)
学位 (4件):
  • 博士 (University of Toronto)
  • 修士 (ニューイングランド大学)
  • 修士 (グウェルフ大学)
  • 学士 (ウィンザー大学)
経歴 (1件):
  • 2016 - 2016 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 助教
所属学会 (2件):
North American Nietzsche Society ,  American Association for Applied Linguistics
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