

  • 黒田 誠
    熊本保健科学大学 保健科学部 医学検査学科
  • 山口 博之
    北海道大学 大学院保健科学研究院 保健科学部門 病態解析学分野
  • 杉本 千尋
    北海道大学 人獣共通感染症リサーチセンター 国際協力・教育部門
    タイレリア, トリパノソーマ, PCR, 野生動物, マダニ, 持続感染, サイトカイン, ピロプラズマ, アフリカ, バベシア, ツェツェバエ, ダニワクチン, ゲノム, ヘルペスウィルス, 住血微生物, ピロプラズム, Theileria, 形質転換植物, 系統進化, ウシ, ダニ, 住血原虫, 微生物, 原虫病, 獣医学, 粘膜免疫, リボヌクレオチドリダクターゼ, ワクチン, ゲノム解析, 人獣共通感染症, 原虫, Genome analysis, Zoonosis, Protozoa








J-GLOBAL ID:201701006535058538 更新日: 2025年03月10日

永井 宏樹

ナガイ ヒロキ | Nagai Hiroki

論文 (76件)

  • Shino Tanaka, Hiromu Oide, Shumma Ikeda, Mitsuo Tagaya, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoko Kubori, Kohei Arasaki. Subversion of the host endocytic pathway by Legionella pneumophila-mediated ubiquitination of Rab5. Journal of Cell Biology. 2025
  • Tatsuhiko Yokoyama, Ryoji Miyazaki, Takehiro Suzuki, Naoshi Dohmae, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoya Tsukazaki, Tomoko Kubori, Yoshinori Akiyama. Cleavage cascade of the sigma regulator FecR orchestrates TonB-dependent signal transduction. 2025
  • Tomoko Kubori, Kohei Arasaki, Tomoe Kitao, Hiroki Nagai. Multi-tiered actions of Legionella effectors to modulate host Rab10 dynamics. 2023
  • Jonathan Pruneda, Justine V. Nguyen, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoko Kubori. Bacterial usurpation of the OTU deubiquitinase fold. The FEBS Journal. 2023
  • Gus D. Warren, Tomoe Kitao, Tyler G. Franklin, Justine V. Nguyen, Paul P. Geurink, Tomoko Kubori, Jonathan Pruneda. Mechanism of Lys6 poly-ubiquitin specificity by the L. pneumophila deubiquitinase LotA. Molecular Cell. 2022. 83. 1. 105-120.e5
  • Shoichi Mitsunaka, Kohei Yamazaki, Ajeng K. Pramono, Megumi Ikeuchi, Tomoe Kitao, Naoya Ohara, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai, Hiroki Ando. Synthetic engineering and biological containment of bacteriophages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 48
  • Tomoko Kubori, Junyup Lee, Hyunmin Kim, Kohei Yamazaki, Masanari Nishikawa, Tomoe Kitao, Byung-Ha Oh, Hiroki Nagai. Reversible modification of mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocases by paired Legionella effector proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2022. 119. 23
  • Misaki Murata, Riku Kanamori, Tomoe Kitao, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai, Mitsuo Tagaya, Kohei Arasaki. Requirement of phosphatidic acid binding for distribution of the bacterial protein Lpg1137 targeting syntaxin 17. Journal of cell science. 2022. 135. 6
  • Tomoe Kitao, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai. Recent advances in structural studies of the Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm type IV secretion system. Microbiology and immunology. 2022. 66. 2. 67-74
  • Norihiro Takekawa, Tomoko Kubori, Tomoya Iwai, Hiroki Nagai, Katsumi Imada. Structural basis of ubiquitin recognition by a bacterial OTU deubiquitinase LotA. Journal of bacteriology. 2021. JB0037621
  • Tomoe Kitao, Kohei Arasaki, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoko Kubori. Protocol for imaging proteins associated with Legionella-containing vacuoles in host cells. STAR protocols. 2021. 2. 2. 100410-100410
  • Yuzuki Shimamori, Ajeng K Pramono, Tomoe Kitao, Tohru Suzuki, Shin-Ichi Aizawa, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai, Shigeki Takeda, Hiroki Ando. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Phage SaGU1 that Infects Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates from Patients with Atopic Dermatitis. Current microbiology. 2021. 78. 4. 1267-1276
  • Mio Kawabata, Honoka Matsuo, Takumi Koito, Misaki Murata, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai, Mitsuo Tagaya, Kohei Arasaki. Legionella hijacks the host Golgi-to-ER retrograde pathway for the association of Legionella-containing vacuole with the ER. PLoS pathogens. 2021. 17. 3. e1009437
  • Yuzuki Shimamori, Shoichi Mitsunaka, Hirotaka Yamashita, Tohru Suzuki, Tomoe Kitao, Tomoko Kubori, Hiroki Nagai, Shigeki Takeda, Hiroki Ando. Staphylococcal Phage in Combination with Staphylococcus Epidermidis as a Potential Treatment for Staphylococcus Aureus-Associated Atopic Dermatitis and Suppressor of Phage-Resistant Mutants. Viruses. 2020. 13. 1
  • Tomoe Kitao, Kyoichiro Taguchi, Shintaro Seto, Kohei Arasaki, Hiroki Ando, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoko Kubori. Legionella Manipulates Non-canonical SNARE Pairing Using a Bacterial Deubiquitinase. Cell Reports. 2020. 32. 10. 108107-108107
  • Tomoe Kitao, Hiroki Nagai, Tomoko Kubori. Divergence of Legionella Effectors Reversing Conventional and Unconventional Ubiquitination. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2020. 10
  • Hyunmin Kim, Tomoko Kubori, Kohei Yamazaki, Mi-Jeong Kwak, Suk-Youl Park, Hiroki Nagai, Joseph P. Vogel, Byung-Ha Oh. Structural basis for effector protein recognition by the Dot/Icm Type IVB coupling protein complex. Nature Communications. 2020. 11. 1. 2623-2623
  • Junya Yamagishi, Kyoko Hayashida, Junji Matsuo, Torahiko Okubo, Makoto Kuroda, Hiroki Nagai, Tsuyoshi Sekizuka, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Chihiro Sugimoto. Complete genome and bimodal genomic structure of the amoebal symbiont Neochlamydia strain S13 revealed by ultra-long reads obtained from MinION. Journal of human genetics. 2020. 65. 1. 41-48
  • Hiroki Nagai. Isolation of the Dot/Icm Type IV Secretion System Core Complex from Legionella pneumophila. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2019. 1921. 241-247
  • Kubori, T., Kitao, T., Nagai, H. Emerging insights into bacterial deubiquitinases. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 2019. 47. 14-19

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