J-GLOBAL ID:201702274951348416
整理番号:17A0522680 ボルネオからの初記録となるThamnobryum negrosense(E.B.Bartram)Z.Iwats.& B.C.Tan(ヒラゴケ科,蘚類)
Thamnobryum negrosense (E. B. Bartram) Z. Iwats. & B. C. Tan (Neckeraceae, Musci), a new record for Borneo
- Akiyama, H. (1993). Taxonomic studies of mosses of Seram and Ambon (Moluccas, East Malesia) collected by Indonesian-Japanese Botanical expeditions. VII, Lembophyllaceae, Splachnaceae, Myuriaceae, Neckeraceae, Brachytheciaceae, Amblystegiaceae and Sematophyllaceae, with additions to previous reports on Dicranaceae and Pterobryaceae. J. Fac. Sci., Univ. Tokyo III, 15: 219-254.
- Bartram, E. B. (1939). Mosses of the Philippines. Philippine J. Sci. 68: 1-425.
- Enroth, J. (1989). Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXVII. Neckeraceae (Musci). Acta Bot. Fennica 137: 41-80.
- Ochyra, R. (1990). On the relationships of Thamnobryum negrosense (Bartr.) Iwats. & Tan (Musci: Thamnobryaceae). J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 68: 293-302.
- Ochyra, R. and J. Enroth (1989). Neckeropsis touwii (Musci, Neckeraceae), a new species from Papua New Guinea, with an evaluation of sect. Pseudoparap-gysanthus of Neckeropsis. Annal. Bot. Fennici 26: 127-132.
- Suleiman, M., H. Akiyama and B. C. Tan (2006). A revised catalogue of mosses reported from Borneo. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 99: 107-183.