J-GLOBAL ID:201801000698540581
更新日: 2024年12月06日 菅野 磨美
Kanno Mami
- 菅野磨美. 中英語聖人伝における移葬のナラティヴ. 『旅するナラティヴ-西洋中世をめぐる移動の諸相』大沼由布, 徳永聡子編(知泉書館). 2022. 36-50
- Mami Kanno. A Hagiographic Compilation of Native Women in the South English Legendaries: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 779. Late Medieval Devotional Compilations in England, ed. by Marleen Cré, Diana Denissen and Denis Renevey (Turnhout: Brepols). 2020. 215-230
- Mami Kanno. Constructing Gender and Locality in Late Medieval England: The Lives of Anglo-Saxon and British Female Saints in the South English Legendaries. King's College London. 2016
- Mami Kanno. Saint Æthelthryth of Ely and the Making of a National Saint in a Fifteenth-Century South English Legendary Manuscript. Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies. 2015. 83. 93-106
- 菅野磨美. Between Brides and Soldiers of Christ: Lives of Female Saints in the Katherine Group, with Special Reference to their Similarities with Medieval Romance. 藝文研究. 2011. 100. 119-140
- 菅野磨美. Representations of Women Readers and their Act of Reading in Instructions for Female Religious in Medieval England. 慶應義塾大学. 2010
- Mami Kanno. Medieval Romance and the Saints’ Lives of the Katherine Group. Durham University. 2010
- Mami Kanno. '3e ne beon neauer idel, ah wurchen oðer reden, oþer beon i bonen': Representations of Women Readers and their Acts of Reading in Instructions for Female Religious in Medieval England. 英語学論説資料. 2010. 42. 503-512