Prospective associations of serum amino acids with insulin resistance among Japanese adults (第32回日本疫学会学術総会 2022)
Cognitive frailty and risk of functional disability in older Japanese adults: a 4-year prospective study (The Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting 2021)
Dose-response associations between accelerometer measured physical activity and sedentary time and all-cause mortality in community-dwelling older Japanese adults: A 9-year prospective study (The 3rd international Academic Forum on Sports Medicine and Health 2021)
Association of serum folate and vitamin B-12 concentrations with all-cause mortality: the Hisayama Study (第31回日本疫学学会学術総会 2021)
Association between serum homocysteine and risk of dementia in Japanese elderly: the Hisayama Study. (第30回日本疫学学会学術総会 2020)
Physical frailty and risk of needing long-term care in community-dwelling Japanese elderly (The 1st Japan-China-Korea Joint Scientific Meeting on Physical Activity and Exercise Science 2019)
Objective physical activity, sedentary time and incident disability in older adults (The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2017)
Associations of objectively-measured physical activity, sedentary behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness with metabolic syndrome in Japanese male workers: TMCPF study (The 24th European Congress on Obesity 2017)
Association between objectively-measured sedentary behaviour patterns and cognitive function in non-demented older adults: a cross-sectional study (The 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health 2016)
Factors associated with accelerometer adherence in community-dwelling older adults (The 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health 2016)
Associated factors of objectively-measured sedentary time among Japanese workers: a cross-sectional analysis (The 6th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health Bangkok 2016)