J-GLOBAL ID:201801004004701880
更新日: 2025年03月13日 香崎 正宙
コウザキ マサオキ | Kohzaki Masaoki
- Saho Kobayashi, Hiroki Kashiwagi, Kenichi Kobayashi, Masaoki Kohzaki. 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) induces chromosome aneuploidy associated with premature chromatid separation in mammalian cells: A possible carcinogenic mechanism. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2025. 293. 117981
- Katarzyna Sobkowiak, Masaoki Kohzaki, Raphael Böhm, Jonathan Mailler, Florian Huber, Soheila Emamzadah, Laurence Tropia, Sebastian Hiller, Thanos D. Halazonetis. REV7 functions with REV3 as a checkpoint protein delaying mitotic entry until DNA replication is completed. Cell Reports. 2025. in press
- Toshiaki Nakano, Ken Akamatsu, Masaoki Kohzaki, Masataka Tsuda, Ryoichi Hirayama, Akira Sassa, Manabu Yasui, Mahmoud I. Shoulkamy, Takeshi Hiromoto, Taro Tamada, et al. Deciphering repair pathway of clusterd DNA damage in human TK6 cells: insights from atomic force microscopy direct visualization. Nucleic Acids Research. 2024. 1077. 1-18
- 永元 啓介, 川内野 友則, 末次 善紀, 徳本 彩妃, 香崎 正宙, 二瓶 俊一, 岡崎 龍史. 診断CT検査時の患者介助における医療従事者の手指線量低減への取り組み. 産業衛生学雑誌. 2024. 66. 臨増. 462-462
- Masaoki Kohzaki, Keiji Suzuki, Akira Ootsuyama, Ryuji Okazaki. Spontaneous p53 activation in middle-aged C57BL/6 mice mitigates the lifespan-extending adaptive response induced by low-dose ionizing radiation. NPJ Aging. 2023. 9. 1-12
- Masaoki Kohzaki. DNA damage and cancer. BIO Clinica. 2023. 38. 9. 38-40
- Ryuji Okazaki, Masaoki Kohzaki, Michiaki Kai, Ying Jiang, Tatsuhiko Kubo, Akira Ootsuyama, Toshihiko Sado, Katsunori Suzuki, Seiichiro Tateishi, Koji Mori. Relationship between haematological data and radiation doses of TEPCO workers before and after the FDNNP accident. Journal of Radiation Research. 2023. 64. 2. 261-272
- Masaoki Kohzaki, Akira Ootsuyama, Toshiaki Abe, Manabu Tsukamoto, Toshiyuki Umata, Ryuji Okazaki. Long bones exhibit adaptive responses to chronic low-dose-rate ionizing radiation despite its lifespan-shortening and carcinogenic effects on C57BL/6 mice. JBMR Plus. 2022. 6. 12. e10688
- Masaoki Kohzaki. Mammalian Resilience Revealed by a Comparison of Human Diseases and Mouse Models Associated With DNA Helicase Deficiencies. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022. 9. 934042
- 香崎正宙. 遺伝性疾患モデルマウスの産後生存率と寿命の比較研究から明らかになった哺乳類レジリエンス. RBC News Letter. 2022. 171. 2-4
- Contribution of radiation education to anxiety reduction among Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant workers: a cross sectional study using a text mining method. Journal of Radiation Research. 2021. 63. 1. 44-50
- Masaoki Kohzaki, Akira Ootsuyama, Toshiyuki Umata, Ryuji Okazaki. Comparison of the fertility of tumor suppressor gene-deficient C57BL/6 mouse strains reveals stable reproductive aging and novel pleiotropic gene. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1. 12357-12357
- 香崎正宙. アブスコパル効果研究の現状と放射線治療への展望. 放射線生物研究. 2021. 56. 1. 37-54
- 林 卓哉, 真船 浩介, 松田 尚樹, 長谷川 有史, 加藤 尊秋, 神田 玲子, 島田 義也, 佐藤 健一, 森 晃爾, 立石 清一郎, et al. 福島第一原発作業者に対する放射線知識と不安に関する質問調査. 産業医科大学雑誌. 2020. 42. 4. 339-346
- Takuya HAYASHI, Kosuke MAFUNE, Naoki MATSUDA, Arifumi HASEGAWA, Takaaki KATO, Reiko KANDA, Yoshiya SHIMADA, Kenichi SATOH, Koji MORI, Seiichiro TATEISHI, et al. Questionnaire Survey of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Workers in 2016 on Knowledge and Anxiety About Radiation. Journal of UOEH. 2020. 42. 4. 339-346
- Masaoki Kohzaki, Akira Ootsuyama, Lue Sun, Takashi Moritake, Ryuji Okazaki. Human RECQL4 represses the RAD52-mediated single-strand annealing pathway after ionizing radiation or cisplatin treatment. International Journal of Cancer. 2020. 146. 11. 3098-3113
- 香崎 正宙, 梅本 友生美, 大津山 彰, 盛武 敬, 岡崎 龍史. 個体差を考慮した放射線誘発がん関連miRNAの探索. 産業医科大学雑誌. 2020. 42. 1. 149-149
- 香崎 正宙, 阿部 利明, 大津山 彰, 塚本 学, 盛武 敬, 岡崎 龍史. 低線量・低線量率放射線影響の研究使命-放射線生物学研究のパラダイムシフトへ向けて 低線量率長期内部被ばくC57BL/6マウスは加齢に伴う骨量減少を低減するが寿命短縮や発癌は抑制しない(The research mission of the effects of low dose and low dose rate radiation: For a radiobiological paradigm shift Low-dose-rate long-term internally exposed C57BL/6 mice suppressed age-related loss of bone status but did not suppress life-shortening and carcinogenesis). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2019. 62回. 39-39
- 香崎 正宙, 大津山 彰, 阿部 利明, 盛武 敬, 岡崎 龍史. Searching for biomarkers of T-cell lymphomas induced by low-dose of ionizing radiation. 産業医科大学雑誌. 2019. 41. 1. 114-114
- 香崎 正宙, 大津山 彰, 阿部 利明, 盛武 敬, 岡崎 龍史. がん抑制遺伝子欠損マウスを用いた放射線誘発がん関連マーカーの探索. 産業医科大学雑誌. 2018. 40. 1. 41-41