








J-GLOBAL ID:201801009773515005 更新日: 2025年02月26日

Villegas Julián

Villegas Julian | Villegas Julián

論文 (60件)

  • James Pinkl, Julián Villegas, Michael Cohen. Multimodal Drumming Education Tool in Mixed Reality. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2024. 8. 8. 70-70
  • Kazuki Fujita, Julián Villegas. Development of Ad Hoc Loudspeaker Arrays Using Smart Devices. IEEE Communications Magazine. 2024. 62. 12. 56-62
  • Takuto Odaira, Julián Villegas. Digital audio delay inspired by the speed of sound on Mars. 2024 6th International Conference on Audio for Games. 2024. 108-112
  • Juan Camilo Arevalo Arboleda, JuliáN Villegas. Study of auditory trajectories in virtual environments. Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference. 2023. 193-196
  • Julián Villegas, Seunghun J. Lee, Jeremy Perkins, Konstantin Markov. Psychoacoustic features explain creakiness classifications made by naive and non-naive listeners. Speech Communication. 2023. 147. 74-81
  • Gabriele Ravizza, Julián Villegas, Christer P. Volk, Tore Stegenborg-Andersen. An Over-Ear Headphone Target Curve for Brüel & Kjær Head And Torso Simulator Type 5128 measurements. AES New York 2023: 155th Audio Engineering Society Convention. 2023
  • Kevin Manuel Diaz España, Julián Villegas. Sonifying time series via music generated with machine learning. AES New York 2023: 155th Audio Engineering Society Convention. 2023
  • Kazuki Fujita, Julián Villegas. Subjective Evaluation of a Virtual Ad Hoc Loudspeaker Array. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). 2023. 431-432
  • Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo, Camilo Arevalo, Julián Villegas, Winnie Sun. Exploring 2D, 3D and Spatial Audio User Interfaces in VR for Reminiscence Therapy. 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). 2023. 703-707
  • Edward Ly, Julián Villegas. Digital Filter Design via Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming. 2023 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications (IWCIA). 2023. 7-12
  • Yoshiki Sato, Julián Villegas. Spectral Tilt May Have a Smaller Impact on the Intelligibility of Speech in Noise. 2023 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU). 2023. 1-5
  • Julián Villegas, Kimi Akita, Shigeto Kawahara. PSYCHOACOUSTIC FEATURES EXPLAIN SUBJECTIVE SIZE AND SHAPE RATINGS OF PSEUDO-WORDS. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. 2023
  • Edward Ly, Julián Villegas. Cartesian Genetic Programming Parameterization in the Context of Audio Synthesis. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2023. 30. 1077-1081
  • Camilo Arevalo, Yuta Kariyado, Julián Villegas. Virtual Reality Tool for Exploration of Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata. Electronics. 2022. 11. 3
  • Edward Ly, Julián Villegas. Additive Synthesis via Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming in FAUST. AES New York 2022 - 153rd Audio Engineering Society Convention 2022. 2022
  • Seunghun J. Lee, Julián Villegas, Mira Oh. The Non-Coalescence of /h/ and Incomplete Neutralization in South Jeolla Korean. Language and Speech. 2022. 66. 2. 442-473
  • Julian Villegas, Seunghun J. Lee. Creakiness Judgments by Burmese and Vietnamese Speakers. 2022 25th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques (O-COCOSDA). 2022. 1-5
  • Villegas, J., Fukasawa, N., Arevalo, C. The Presence of a Floor Improves Subjective Elevation Accuracy of Binaural Stimuli Created With Non-Individualized Head-Related Impulse Responses. AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. 2021. 69. 11. 849-859
  • Jeremy Perkins, Julián Villegas, Ian Wilson. Effects of task and language nativeness on the Lombard effect and on its onset and offset timing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2021. 149. 3. 1855-1865
  • Yuta Kariyado, Camilo Arevalo, Julián Villegas. Auralization of Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata. 2021. 12693 LNCS. 161-170

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