Ryohei Naya. New Words with -ment in Present-Day English: Their Properties and the Distinction between Functional and Lexical Categories. Languages. 2024. 9. 9
五十嵐啓太, 納谷亮平. 生成 AI を使った SF の創作活動と言語知識: 作家は何を助けてほしいのか. 認知科学. 2024. 31. 2. 376-380
Takashi Ishida, Ryohei Naya. Why Are English Appositional Compounds Stressed on the Right-Hand Constituents? An Information Structure Approach. 広島修大論集. 2024. 64. 2. 55-72
Ryohei Naya, Takashi Ishida. The (Un)availability of Pragmatic Information in the Domains of Words, Phrases, and Sentences: Consistent Contrasts between English and Japanese. Tsukuba English Studies. 2024. 42. 161-182
Ryohei Naya. Review: The Semantics of Case by Olga Kagan, Cambridge University Press, 2020. English Linguistics. 2023. 39. 2. 281-292
Why Does Contrast Allow Relational Adjectives to Be Used Predicatively? A Qualia Structure-based Account
(ELSJ 14th International Spring Forum 2021 2021)