Masayuki Yamada, Yuta Ogai, Sayaka Tohyama. Distance Learning in Sports: Collaborative Learning in Ice Hockey Acquisition Processes. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2023. 685 AICT. 309-319
大海 悠太, 木俣 雄介, 仲野 匠, 辛 徳. Pepperを使用したテレイグジスタンスロボットの色による情動表現の開発. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium for Color Science and Art 2023. 2023. 14-15
Yusuke Kimata, Duk Shin, Yuta Ogai. A Study of Robots’ Emotional Expressions Using IAPS, an Object Detection Algorithm, and a Caption Generation Algorithm. AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023. 2023. 117-120
Kihiro Kawahara, Duk Shin, Yuta Ogai. Design of a Movable Tensegrity Arm with Springs Modeling an Upper and Lower Arm. ACTUATORS. 2023. 12. 1
Development of Emotional Expression by Color for a Telexistence Robot using Pepper
(The 4th International Symposium 2023 by the International Research Center for Color Science and Art 2023)
A Study of Robot Emotional Expression Using the International Affective Picture System, Object Detection Algorithm, and Caption Generation Algorithm
(AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023 2023)
Researches of embodiment by various interactive systems
(ALife Workshop 2022 2022)
Distance Learning in Sports: Collaborative Learning in Ice Hockey Acquisition Processes
(IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education(WCCE) 2022 2022)