J-GLOBAL ID:201801013547973944
更新日: 2024年11月23日 北川 泰士
キタガワ ヤスシ | Kitagawa Yasushi
- Oleksiy Bondarenko, Yasushi Kitagawa. A comprehensive propulsion system analysis: an integrated approach utilising engine simulation and free-running model experiments. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology. 2024
- Ryohei Sawada, Koichi Hirata, Yasushi Kitagawa. Automatic berthing control under wind disturbances and its implementation in an embedded system. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2023. 28. 452-470
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Yoshiaki Tsukada, Kunihide Ohashi. On Measurement of Hydrodynamic Pressures on Hull and Rudder Surface in Free-running Model Test. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS 2022). 2022. 1175-1186
- Kurniawan T. Waskito, Kenji Sasa, Chen Chen, Yasushi Kitagawa, Sang-Won Lee. Comparative study of realistic ship motion simulation for optimal ship routing of a bulk carrier in rough seas. Ocean Engineering. 2022. 260
- 北川 泰士, Bondarenko Oleksiy, 塚田 吉昭, 福田 哲吾, 蓮池 伸宏, 藤本 浩史. CFRPプロペラ搭載船の波浪中燃料消費性能に関する基礎的研究. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2022. 35. 13-27
- Oleksiy Bondarenko, Tetsugo Fukuda, Yasushi Kitagawa, Tomoki Omiya. The problem of identification and adaptation of the main engine digital twin based on the operational data. Journal of JIME. 2022. 57. 2. 164(30)-168(34)
- Oleksiy Bondarenko, Yasushi Kitagawa. Development of detailed engine model for evaluation ship performance in waves by a self-propulsion model test. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2021. 27
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Yoshiaki Tsukada, Oleksiy Bondarenko, Tetsugo Fukuda. Development of a Methodology for Tank Test for Direct Assessment of Propulsion and Course-keeping Performance of Diesel Engine Powered Ship in Actual Sea. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structure. 2020. 1. 404-424
- Oleksiy Bondarenko, Yasushi Kitagawa. Application of the Kalman filtering technique for nonlinear state estimation in propulsion system. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2020. 26. 2. 618-631
- Ryohei Sawada, Koichi Hirata, Yasushi Kitagawa, Eiko Saito, Michio Ueno, Katsuji Tanizawa, Junji Fukuto. Path following algorithm application to automatic berthing control. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2020
- 北川 泰士. 船舶の主機負荷変動推定のための波浪中プロペラ有効流入速度モデルに関する研究. 大阪大学大学院 学位論文. 2020
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Oleksiy Bondarenko, Yoshiaki Tsukada. An experimental method to identify a component of wave orbital motion in propeller effective inflow velocity and its effects on load fluctuations of a ship main engine in waves. Applied Ocean Research. 2019. 92
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Masashi Kashiwagi. A Strip Method Including nx-Related Terms and Its Effects on Propeller Inflow Velocity in Waves. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2019. 29. 39-50
- 宮崎 英樹, 北川 泰士, 塚田 吉昭, 上野 道雄, 田口 晴邦. 斜め追い波を航行中の高速RO/ROフェリーの大傾斜の発生状況の実験的検討について. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2018. 28. 45-52
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Oleksiy Bondarenko, Yoshiaki Tsukada, Tetsugo Fukuda, Katsuji Tanizawa. An Application of the Tank Test with a Model Ship for Design of Ship Propulsion Plant System. Journal of JIME. 2018. 53. 3. 355-361
- 塚田吉昭, 上野道雄, 谷澤克治, 北川泰士, 宮崎英樹, 鈴木良介. 補助推力装置を用いた新しい自由航走模型試験. 海上技術安全研究所報告(研究報告). 2016. 15. 3. 255-279
- 北川泰士, 谷澤克治, 塚田吉昭, 上野道雄. 実船の波浪中船速低下を直接計測する水槽試験法の開発. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2015. 22. 21. 21-34
- Yasushi Kitagawa, Katsuji Tanizawa, Yoshiaki Tsukada. Development of an Experimental Methodology for Self-Propulsion Test with a Marine Diesel Engine Simulator, Fourth Report - Direct Measurement of Actual Ship Speed in Waves by Model Tests -. Proc. of the 25th International Ocean and Polar (ISOPE2015). 2015. 38-45
- 塚田吉昭, 上野道雄, 谷澤克治, 北川泰士, 宮崎英樹, 鈴木良介. 自由航走模型試験のための補助推力装置の開発. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2014. 20. 20. 71-79
- Michio Ueno, Yoshiaki Tsukada, Yasushi Kitagawa. Rudder effectiveness correction for scale model ship testing. OCEAN ENGINEERING. 2014. 92. 267-284