J-GLOBAL ID:201801014382050460
更新日: 2020年09月01日 菊地 鉄太郎
Kikuchi Tetsutaro
- KIKUCHI Tetsutaro†, SHIMIZU Tatsuya. Thickness-wise growth technique for human articular chondrocytes to fabricate three-dimensional cartilage grafts. Regenerative Therapy. 2020. 14. 119-127
- SEKIYA Sachiko†, KIKUCHI Tetsutaro, SHIMIZUTatsuya. Perfusion culture maintained with an air-liquid interface to stimulate epithelial cellorganization in renal organoids in vitro. BMC Biomedical Engineering. 2019. 1. Article number 15
- Tetsutaro Kikuchi, Masahiro Kino-Oka, Masanori Wada, Toyoshige Kobayashi, Midori Kato, Shizu Takeda, Hirotsugu Kubo, Tetsuya Ogawa, Hironobu Sunayama, Kazuhito Tanimoto, et al. A novel, flexible and automated manufacturing facility for cell-based health care products: Tissue Factory. Regenerative therapy. 2018. 9. 89-99
- OHYA Takashi†, NAKAZONO Kazuki, KIKUCHI Tetsutaro, SASAKI Daisuke, SAKAGUCHI Katsuhisa, SHIMIZU Tatsuya, FUKUDA Kenjiro, SOMEYA Takao, UMEZU Shinjiro. Simple action potential measurement of cardiac cell sheet utilizing electronic sheet. Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 23. 3. 321-327
- Kyungsook Kim, Rie Utoh, Kazuo Ohashi, Tetsutaro Kikuchi, Teruo Okano. Fabrication of functional 3D hepatic tissues with polarized hepatocytes by stacking endothelial cell sheets in vitro. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2017. 11. 7. 2071-2080
- Tetsutaro Kikuchi†, Tatsuya Shimizu. Selective Culture of Human Skeletal Myoblasts by Brefeldin A. JSM Regenerative Medicine & Bioengineering. 2016. 4. 1. 1020