J-GLOBAL ID:201801015467289751
更新日: 2025年03月02日 高橋 礼奈
タカハシ レナ | Takahashi Rena
- Shunsuke Takano, Rena Takahashi, Tomoko Tabata, Chen Zeng, Masaomi Ikeda, Yasushi Shimada. Bonding performance of universal adhesive systems with dual-polymerising resin cements to various dental substrates: in vitro study. BMC Oral Health. 2025. 25. 1. 101-101
- Tonprasong, W., Inokoshi, M., Tamura, M., Yoshihara, K., Takahashi, R., Nozaki, K., Wada, T., Minakuchi, S. Does dental material type influence bacterial adhesion under the same polishing conditions? Direct observation using a fluorescent staining technique: An in vitro study. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2024. 43. 4. 485-494
- Kanamori Y, Takahashi R, Nikaido T, Nitta H, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Kunzelmann KH. Influence of resin-coating techniques on the marginal adaptation and the bond strengths of CAD/CAM-fabricated hybrid ceramic inlays. Dent Mater J. 2024. 43. 3. 407-414
- Tonprasong W, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Yoshihara K, Takahashi R, Nozaki K, Wada T, Minakuchi S. Does dental material type influence bacterial adhesion under the same polishing conditions? Direct observation using a fluorescent staining technique: An in vitro study. Dent Mater J. 2024
- 高橋 基, 高橋 礼奈, 島田 康史. 上顎前歯部の審美・機能障害に対してデジタルワークフローを活用した直接法コンポジットレジン修復を行った1症例. 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2023. 66. 4. 224-232
- Yutaro Oda, Rena Takahashi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Influence of the resin-coating technique on the bonding performance of self-adhesive resin cements in single-visit computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing resin restorations. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. 2022. 34. 4. 721-728
- Tonprasong W, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Uo M, Wada T, Takahashi R, Hatano K, Shimizubata M, Minakuchi S. Tissue Conditioner Incorporating a Nano-Sized Surface Pre-Reacted Glass-Ionomer (S-PRG) Filler. Materials (Basel). 2021. 14. 21. 6648
- Lai, YJ, Takahashi, R., Lin, PY, Kuo, L., Zhou, Y., Matin, K., Chiang, YC, Shimada, Y., Tagami, J. Anti-Demineralization Effects of Dental Adhesive-Composites on Enamel-Root Dentin Junction. POLYMERS. 2021. 13. 19. 3327
- Yamamoto M, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Shimizubata M, Nozaki K, Takahashi R, Yoshihara K, Minakuchi S. Development of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin with added benzalkonium chloride or cetylpyridinium chloride as antimicrobial restorative materials for root caries. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2021. 124. 104838-104838
- Saki Uchiyama, Rena Takahashi, Takaaki Sato, Shin Rozan, Masaomi Ikeda, Masanao Inokoshi, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Effect of a temporary sealing material on the bond strength of CAD/CAM inlay restorations with resin-coating technique. Dental Materials Journal. 2021. 40. 5. 1122-1128
- Nanako Ueda, Tomohiro Takagaki, Toru Nikaido, Rena Takahashi, Masaomi Ikeda, Junji Tagami. The effect of different ceramic surface treatments on the repair bond strength of resin composite to lithium disilicate ceramic. Dental Materials Journal. 2021. 40. 5. 1073-1079
- 佐藤 隆明, 田端 倫子, 畑山 貴志, 赤羽根広大, 佐藤 綾花, 馬場 雄大, 高橋 礼奈, 井上 剛, 平石 典子, 角 保徳, et al. エナメル象牙境におけるエッチングの影響. 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021. 64. 4. 271-278
- 高橋 礼奈, 榎本 愛久美, 織田 祐太朗, 内山 沙紀, 盧山 晨, 金森 ゆうな, 明橋 冴, 田上 温子, 高橋 彬文, 則武 加奈子, et al. 術者の臨床経験および接着システムの違いが象牙質接着強さと接着信頼性に及ぼす影響について. 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2021. 64. 3. 220-226
- Takaaki Sato, Rena Takahashi, Shin Rozan, Saki Uchiyama, Yuta Baba, Martina Vicheva, Ayaka Sato, Masaomi Ikeda, Tomohiro Takagaki, Toru Nikaido, et al. The effect of temporary sealing materials and cleaning protocols on the bond strength of resin cement applied to dentin using the resin-coating technique. Dental Materials Journal. 2021. 40. 3. 719-726
- Ahmed Abdou, Rena Takahashi, Amr Saad, Kosuke Nozaki, Toru Nikaido, Junji Tagami. Influence of resin-coating on bond strength of resin cements to dentin and CAD/CAM resin block in single-visit and multiple-visit treatment. Dental Materials Journal. 2021. 40. 3. 674-682
- Hatano K, Inokoshi M, Tamura M, Uo M, Shimizubata M, Tonprasong W, Wada T, Takahashi R, Imai K, Minakuchi S. Novel antimicrobial denture adhesive containing S-PRG filler. Dent Mater J. 2021
- Toyoaki Kobayashi, Tomohiro Takagaki, Rena Takahashi, Masaomi Ikeda, Junji Tagami. Bonding performance of self-adhesive luting agents to highly translucent zirconia ceramics. Asian Pacific Journal of Dentistry. 2020. 20. 2. 29-33
- Shin Rozan, Rena Takahashi, Toru Nikaido, Antonin Tichy, Junji Tagami. CAD/CAM-fabricated inlay restorations: Can the resin-coating technique improve bond strength and internal adaptation?. Dental Materials Journal. 2020. 39. 6. 941-949
- Mikako Hayashi, Yasuko Momoi, Morioki Fujitani, Masayoshi Fukushima, Satoshi Imazato, Yuichi Kitasako, Shisei Kubo, Shoji Nakashima, Toru Nikaido, Akihiko Shimizu, et al. Evidence-based consensus for treating incipient enamel caries in adults by non-invasive methods: recommendations by GRADE guideline. Japanese Dental Science Review. 2020. 56. 1. 155-163
- Shimizubata M, Inokoshi M, Wada T, Takahashi R, Uo M, Minakuchi S. Basic properties of novel S-PRG filler-containing cement. Dent Mater J. 2020. 39. 6. 963-969