J-GLOBAL ID:201801018596574097
更新日: 2024年06月13日 橋本 佳明
Hashimoto Yoshiaki
- Fujio Hyodo, Takao Itioka, Yoshiaki HASHIMOTO, Paulus Meleng, Makoto Tokuda, Hiroto Nakayama, Melvin Terry Gumal, Takuji Tachi. A Pilot Study on the Isotopic Characterization of Feeding Habits of Diptera in a Tropical Rain Forest. 2024
- TAKESHI YAMASAKI, YOSHIAKI HASHIMOTO, TOMOJI ENDO, FUJIO HYODO, TAKAO ITIOKA, MARYATI MOHAMED, PAULUS MELENG. Taxonomic study of Bornean species of Utivarachna Kishida, 1940 (Araneae: Trachelidae), with the description of a new species. Zootaxa. 2023. 5343. 1. 55-73
- Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Hironori Sakamoto, Hiromi Asai, Masamitsu Yasoshima, Hui-Min Lin, Koichi Goka. Effectiveness of allyl isothiocyanate microencapsulated in polyethylene as a repellent against Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) infestation of corrugated cardboard boxes in field experiment. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2022
- YAMANE, Seiki, TANAKA, Hiroshi O, HASHIMOTO,Yoshiaki, OHASHI, Mizue, MELENG, Paulus, ITIOKA,Takao. A list of ants from Lambir Hills National Park and its vicinity, with their biological information: Part II. Subfamilies Leptanillinae, Proceratiinae, Amblyoponinae, Ponerinae, Dorylinae, Dolichoderinae, Ectatomminae and Formicinae. Contributions from the Biological Laboratory Kyoto University. 2021. 31. 3. 87-157
- Yamasaki T, Hyodo F, Itioka T, Hashimoto Y, Endo T, Meleng P. A new corinnid species of the genus Aetius Pickard-Cambridge (Araneae: Corinnidae) from Sarawak, Borneo. Acta Arachnologica. 2020. 69. 2
- Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Tomoji Endo, Takeshi Yamasaki, Fujio Hyodo, Takao Itioka. Constraints on the jumping and prey-capture abilities of ant-mimicking spiders (Salticidae, Salticinae, Myrmarachne). Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1
- Takeshi Yamasaki, Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Tomoji Endo, Fujio Hyodo, Itioka Takao, Paulus Meleng. A new species of the genus Agorius (Araneae: Salticidae) from Sarawak, Borneo. Acta Arachnologica. 2020. 69. 1. 37-41
- Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Hironori Sakamoto, Hiromi Asai, Masamitsu Yasoshima, Hui-Min Lin, Koichi Goka. The effect of fumigation with microencapsulated allyl isothiocyanate in a gas-barrier bag against Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2020. 1-6
- 橋本佳明. ヒアリとアカカミアリの生物学. ペストロジー. 2019. 34. 1. 7-13
- 橋本佳明. Wasabi versus red imported fire ants: preliminary test of repellency of microencapsulated allyl isothiocyanate against Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) using bait traps in Taiwan. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 2019
- 橋本佳明. A list of ants from Lambir Hills National Park and its vicinity, with their biological information: Part I. Subfamilies Myrmicinae and Pseudomyrmecinae. Contributions from the Biological Laboratory Kyoto University. 2018. 30. 4. 173-235
- 橋本佳明. New species of the ant-mimicking genus Myrmarachne MacLeay, 1839 (Araneae: Salticidae) from Sarawak, Borneo. Zootaxa. 2018. 4521. 3. 335-356
- 橋本佳明. Stable isotope analysis reveals the importance of plant-based diets for tropical ant-mimicking spiders. Entomological Science. 2018
- Mizue Ohashi, Yuko Maekawa, Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Yoko Takematsu, Sasitorn Hasin, Seiki Yamane. CO2 emission from subterranean nests of ants and termites in a tropical rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY. 2017. 117. 147-155
- 橋本佳明. A comparison of ground-dwelling and arboreal ant assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in lowland forests of Cambodia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2017. 65
- 橋本佳明. A new species of the genus Sphecotypus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1895 from Borneo, with a comparison with the holotype of S. birmanicus (Thorell, 1897) (Araneae, Corinnidae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria. 2017. 110. 21-32
- Fujio Hyodo, Keiko Kishimoto-Yamada, Masayuki Matsuoka, Hiroshi O. Tanaka, Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Reiichiro Ishii, Takao Itioka. Effects of remnant primary forests on feeding habits of ants in a secondary forest in Sarawak, Malaysia: An isotopic study. Food Webs. 2016. 6. 48-54
- Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Tomoji Endo, Takao Itioka, Fujio Hyodo, Takashi Yamasaki, Maryati Mohamed. Pattern of co-occurrence between ant-mimicking jumping spiders and sympatric ants in a Bornean tropical rainforest. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 2016. 64. 70-75
- 橋本佳明. アリ擬態現象から探る熱帯の生物多様性創出・維持機構. 日本生態学会誌. 2016. 66. 2. 407-412
- Takeshi Yamasaki, Yoshiaki Hashimoto, Tomoji Endo, Fujio Hyodo, Takao Itioka. A new species of the genus Castoponera (Araneae, Corinnidae) from Sarawak, Borneo, with comparison to a related species. ZOOKEYS. 2016. 596. 13-25