Urban Module and Dataset of SCALE for an Urban Climate Simulation (11th International Conference on Urban Climate 2023)
Dynamical Downscaling Methods for Regional Climate Studies (Asian Conference on Meteorology 2022 2022)
Introduction to numerical simulation techniques for assessing regional climate change (The 4th R-CCS International Symposium 2022)
Review of dynamical downscaling techniques for assessing regional climate change. (The 5th Convection-Permitting Modeling Workshop 2021 (CPM2021) 2021)
A new framework built into a numerical library for climate to use spatially-detailed urban parameters (The 2nd R-CCS International Symposium 2020)
Characteristics of nonlinearity between climatology and perturbation components (15th Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ15) 2019)
Characteristics of nonlinearity between mean state change and perturbation change (Latsis Symposium 2019)
Evaluation procedure of uncertainty source due to GCM projections in downscaled regional climate (The 1st R-CCS International Symposium 2019)
Evaluation procedure of uncertainty source due to GCM projections in downscaled regional climate (AOGS 2018 2018)
Downscaling procedure for evaluating future regional climate change (International workshop on climate downscaling studies 2017)
How does utilization of high-resolution SST give impact to regional climate simulation? (4th International workshop on nonphydrostatic models (NHM2016) 2016)
Application of a Meteorological Large Eddy Simulation Model to Practical Atmospheric Phenomena (13th Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ13) 2015)
Performance of SCALE on Downscaling Simulation under the Real Atmospheric Conditions (International WS: Issues in downscaling of climate change projection 2015)
Moderation of summertime heat-island phenomena via modification of the urban form in the Tokyo metropolitan area (9th International Conference on Urban Climate jointly with 12th Symposium on the Urban Environment 2015)
Changes in Urban Climate due to Future Land-Use Changes based on Population Changes in the Nagoya Region (AGU Fall Meeting 2013 2013)
Mitigation effects of urban form change on summertime heat island phenomena in Tokyo metropolitan area. (IGU 2013 Kyoto regional conference 2013)
Improvement of the single-layer UCM in the WRF model (8th International Conference on Urban Climate 2012)
Improvement of urban parameters for the single-layer UCM in the WRF model (13th annual WRF user's workshop 2012)
Projection of summer climate on Tokyo metropolitan area using pseudo global warming method (Third international workshop on down-scaling 2011)
Comparison between impacts of global climate change and urbanization on local climate in Tokyo metropolitan area (International Workshop on Urban Climate Projection for better Adaptation Plan 2010)