J-GLOBAL ID:201901001709823703
更新日: 2024年09月09日 TAO BO
Tao Bo
- Greg Robinson, Bo Tao. The Readmission: Toyohiko Kagawa’s 1950 US Tour. Discover Nikkei. 2023
- Bo Tao. Becoming Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking, by Michael Keevakの書評. Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia. 2022. 13. 1. 1-5
- 黒川知文, 岩田三枝子, 陶波(Tao Bo), 伊丹謙太郎. 特集「賀川豊彦・ハル研究の現在、未来ー若手研究者による座談会」. 雲の柱. 2022. 36. 42-70
- Greg Robinson, Bo Tao. Laying Down the Law of Love: The 1936 American Tour of Toyohiko Kagawa. Discover Nikkei. 2021
- Noriko Mizuta, Bo Tao訳序. My Encounter with Women’s Studies. U.S.-Japan Women’s Journal. 2021. 59. 63-88
- 吉田裕著, Bo Tao訳序. The Battlefield Experience of Japanese Soldiers in the Asia-Pacific War. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2020. 18. 19.2. 59-86
- Bo Tao. Distant Islands: The Japanese American Community in New York City, 1876-1930s by Daniel H. Inouyeの書評. New York History. 2020. 100. 3. 152-154
- 陶波. For God and Globe: Christian Internationalism in the United States between the Great War and the Cold War, by Michael G. Thompsonの書評. 東アジア文化交渉研究. 2019. 10. 81-84