








J-GLOBAL ID:201901003506417311   更新日: 2024年12月16日

ロシャール ジャック

Jacques Lochard
研究分野 (1件): その他
研究キーワード (1件): Radiological protection, Radiological risk assessment and management
論文 (17件):
  • R. Ando, J. Lochard, T. Schneider, N. Akimoto, D. Sasaki, K. Iseki. Young generations facing post-nuclear accident situations: from Chernobyl to Fukushima. Radioprotection. 2024. 59. 4. 261-269
  • Xu Xiao, Makiko Orita, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Hitomi Matsunaga, Thu Zar Win, Jacques Lochard, Noboru Takamura. Risk perception in long-term evacuees of Futaba town, Fukushima: a cross-sectional study reveals greater concerns outside the prefecture, 12 years after the accident. Journal of Radiation Research. 2024
  • Varsha Hande, Makiko Orita, Hitomi Matsunaga, Yuya Kashiwazaki, Xu Xiao, Thierry Schneider, Jacques Lochard, Yasuyuki Taira, Noboru Takamura. Thoughts, perceptions and concerns of coastal residents regarding the discharge of tritium-containing treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean. BMC Public Health. 2023. 23. 1
  • Jacques Lochard, Win Thu Zar, Michiaki Kai, Ryoko Ando. The Identification, Diagnosis, Prospective, and Action (IDPA) Method for Facilitating Dialogue between Stakeholders: Application to the Radiological Protection Domain. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research. 2023. 48. 3. 107-116
  • R. Ando, Y. Koyama, T. Kobayashi, D. Sasaki, N. Akimoto, T. Schneider, J. Lochard, Y. Kanai. Report on the 24th Fukushima Dialogue “Creating the Future of Fukushima Together With The Next Generation”. Radioprotection. 2023. 58. 3. 161-167
MISC (4件):
  • 肖旭, 松永妃都美, 折田真紀子, 柏崎祐哉, 平良文亨, WIN Thu Zar, LOCHARD Jacques, 高村昇. FDNPPから20km圏内の富岡町における帰還者および避難者の放射線リスク認識とトリチウム水への関心の評価. 日本衛生学雑誌(Web). 2023. 78. Supplement
  • Jacques Lochard. Lessons learned from the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents. . Proceedings of the 2021 Fukushima Medical University International Symposium on the Fukushima Health Management Survey. 2022. 98-99
  • LOCHARD Jacques, ENDO Setsuko, KOYAMA Yohei, ANDO Ryoko, TAKAGI Hiroshi, ENDO Shinya, MOMMA Maiko, MIYAZAKI Makoto, KURODA Yujiro, KUSUMOTO Takeshi, et al. 福島県いわき市末続地区における原発事故後の共有知の経験. 保健物理. 2021. 56. 1. 39-52
  • LOCHARD J. ICRP Publication 111-Application of the commission's recommendations to the protection of people living in long-term contaminated areas after a nuclear accident or a radiation emergency. Ann ICRP. 2009. 39. 7-62
書籍 (1件):
  • Ethics of Environmental Health
    Routledge 2017 ISBN:9781138186620
講演・口頭発表等 (21件):
  • Inclusive risk governance for the rehabilitation of living conditions after a nuclear accident: the role of the co-expertise process.
    (Janus 2023)
  • Introducing the radiological protection system.
    (Janus 2023)
  • A short introduction of my teaching at Nagasaki University.
    (Nuclear Regulatory Authorities 2023)
  • Lessons learned in risk communication from the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents
    (Fukushima Medical University 2023)
  • A short introduction to the IDPA method to facilitate dialogue between stakeholders.
    (International Advanced Training Course on stakeholder Engagement for Recovery after Nuclear Disasters.)
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