J-GLOBAL ID:201901012810313785
更新日: 2021年11月30日 フサイン アカリーム サリル
Akareem Husain Salilul
研究キーワード (4件):
Social Media Marketing
, Healthcare Marketing
, Value Co-creation
, Consumer Engagement
論文 (5件): -
Husain Salilul Akareem, Ahmed Shahriar Ferdous, Mikala Todd. Impact of patient portal behavioral engagement on subsistence consumers' wellbeing. International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2021. 38. 2. 501-517
Melanie Wiese, Husain Salilul Akareem. Determining perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards social network site advertising in a three-country context. Journal of Marketing Management. 2020. 36. 5-6. 420-455
Melanie Wiese, Husain Salilul Akareem. Friends with benefits: Can firms benefit from consumers’ sense of community in brand Facebook pages?. European Business Review. 2019. 31. 6. 947-969
Husain Salilul Akareem, Syed Shahadat Hossain. Determinants of education quality: what makes students’ perception different?. Open Review of Educational Research. 2016. 3. 1. 52-67
Husain Salilul Akareem, Syed Shahadat Hossain. Perception of education quality in private universities of Bangladesh: a study from students' perspective. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. 2012. 22. 1. 11-33
学歴 (1件): - 2014 - 2017 Queensland University of Technology School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)