毛利嘉孝. Media in Japan. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Japan, Hiroko Takeda and Mark Williams (Eds). 2021. 458-470
Anthony Fung, Boris Pun, Yoshitaka Mori. Reading border-crossing Japanese comics/anime in China: Cultural consumption, fandom, and imagination. Global Media and China. 2019. 4. 1. 125-137
毛利嘉孝. Lukewarm Nationalism: The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Social Media and Affective Communities. International Journal of Japanese Sociology (IJJS), The Japanese Sociological Society, Wiley. 2019. 28. 26-44
毛利嘉孝. Toward a New Media Theory. 5: Designing Media Ecology. 2018. 7. 2. 22-41
毛利嘉孝. Affective Labor, Creative Life and the Condition of Cognitive Capitalism: Considering Creative Industries in Japan. Asia Review, Seoul National University Asia Center. 2018. 7. 2. 91-104
Nam June Paik and Contemporary Music in Japan in the late 1950s
(Random Access Sound: ReSounding Nam June Paik, Museum of Art, Seoul National University 2023)
(Keynote Speech) Acid Communism and Psychedelic Politics in Asia
(C-LAB Forum: A Future Slowly Cancelled)
Politics of Refusal in J-Pop: Anonymity, Social Withdrawal, and the Paradox of Platform Capitalism
(Digital Culture Unit Seminar, Goldsmiths College, University of London 2023)
Reconsidering the Ideology of Creativity in J-POP and DIY Politics in the Digital Age
(Invited Lecture at Manoa College of Arts, Language and Letters, University of Hawai'i, US 2023)
The End of Art Tourism?: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Transformation of Art Festivals in the Countryside in Japan
(Art in the Countryside: Symposium on Art and Regional Revitalization through Case Studies from Japan, DIJ and University of Copenhagen 2022)