J-GLOBAL ID:201901017129818390
更新日: 2024年11月05日 ファーヒ ロバート
ファーヒ ロバート | FAHEY Robert
From conspiracy theory movement to challenger party: why the case of Japan’s Sanseito isn’t more widely replicated
(ヨーロッパ政治学会(ECPR)2024年研究大会 2024) -
Agenda-Setting Dynamics Revisited in Social Media: Evidence of “Public Agenda-Setting” from Japan
(International Political Science Association World Congress 2023) -
Structure and Identity in an Online Conspiracy Theory Community: Real-Time Conspiracy Narrative Formation in Japan following the Assassination of Abe Shinzō
(Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference 2023) -
(東京大学現代日本研究センター 若手研究者フォーラム 2022) -
(日本政治学会 2022年度総会・研究大会 2022) -
Tracing the spread of conspiracy theories and fake news over social media platforms in Japan
(Socioeconomic Networks and Network Science Workshop 2022) -
(世論調査協会研究大会 2020) -
From Filter Bubble to Social Cleavage: Online Polarisation Across Nations
(2020 APSA Annual Meeting 2020) -
Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Socio-Political Identity in Japan
(2020 APSA Annual Meeting 2020) -
Populism and Political Trust in Europe and Japan
(3rd EU-Japan Conference: Democracy at the Crossroads: Populism and its Consequences on Political Trust 2019) -
Populist Attitudes and Party Preferences in Japan
(Northeast Workshop on Japanese Politics 2019) -
Measuring Societal Polarisation in Multiple Dimensions using Social Media Data
(Values in European and Japanese Politics Conference 2019) -
Online Discussion of Suicide and its Real-World Effects
(Society as Data Symposium 2019) -
(世論調査協会研究大会 2018) -
Exploring Support for Japan’s New Opposition Parties with Twitter Data
(APSA Annual Meeting 2018) -
Populist Sentiment in Japan’s 2017 General Election: Evidence from Social Media
(ECPR General Meeting 2018)