Shuntaro Yoshida, Alex Viteri Arturo, Catalina Fernandez, Maharu Maeno, Jun Yamaguchi. Living archival practice and the choreographical navigations: Encounters and approaches with other-than-human persons. Open Research Europe. 2024. 4. 171
Maharu Maeno, Catalina Fernandez, Alex Viteri Arturo, Shuntaro Yoshida. FujiFilms: Every Picture Matters. Notes on our collective’s encounters among rice fields and tree frogs. Axon: Creative Explorations. 2024. 14. 1. 1-17
Shuntaro Yoshida. The Possibility of Sustainable Creation and Obstacles in Dance Works Using Artificial Intelligence. EDULEARN24 Proceedings. 2024. 1. 4120-4124
Shuntaro Yoshida. Hunger and Resilience: Collective Agricultural and Artistic Practices in an Area Impacted by Environmental Disaster. Global Performance Studies. 2024. 6. 1-2
Yoshida Shuntaro. How can we sense of other species’ choreography?: dissonant/invisible movement/contamination of body. Theatre Conference JAMU, BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS 2022 Touching Limits / Crossing Borders of Theatre (multimedia proceedings). 2023. as a special issue of Atelier 205. 0'00"-19'36"
Post-choreography: Jérôme Bel’s Choreography and Movement in Malfunction
Routledge 2024 ISBN:9781032303208
Mapped to the Closest Address + Yuni Hong Charpe 2022
講演・口頭発表等 (19件):
Navigating Choreography Between the Human and the Non-human: Collective Practice and Disobedient Movements
(»Non-machines: Playground of Perspectives« 2023)
How can we sense of other species’ choreography?:Dissonant / invisible movement / contamination of body.
(Theatre Conference JAMU 2022 2022)
Ecological Dance as Activist: Archive of “Dancing” Disaster and Other Species’ Dance
(Dancing Resilience: Dance Studies and Activism in a Global Age 2022)
The Nuclear Threat and Ecological Dance: How Can Humans Sense Other Species’ Choreography?
Hunger in Disaster and Biological Hazard
(Performance Studies international (PSi#27: Hunger) 2022)
2022/07 - 現在 Tokyo Academic Review of Books 共同編集委員長
2022/03 - 現在 NPO法人 月面脱兎社 副理事
2021/08 - 2022/06 Tokyo Academic Review of Books 副編集委員
2021/04 - 2021/07 Tokyo Academic Review of Books 評議員
受賞 (4件):
2022/10 - ベルリン芸術科学高等研究センター(BAS) BAS Association Einen anderen Garten - die Recherche (AT)
2019/06 - 国際舞踊学会 Graduate Student Travel Award
2016/03 - 日本学生支援機構 日本学生支援機構貸与奨学金(半額免除)
2014/09 - パリ国際学生都市基金 パリ国際学生都市奨学金
所属学会 (7件):
Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft
, Dance Studies Association
, Performance Studies international
, International Federation for Theater Research
, 日本文化政策学会
, 舞踊学会
, 表象文化論学会