J-GLOBAL ID:201902226207386199
整理番号:19A0780437 微細藻類の有望な未来:生物燃料,飼料およびその他の製品のための持続可能で再生可能な産業の現状,挑戦,および最適化【JST・京大機械翻訳】
The promising future of microalgae: current status, challenges, and optimization of a sustainable and renewable industry for biofuels, feed, and other products
- Oddities and curiosities in the algal world; Algal toxins: nature, occurrence, effect and detection; 2008; 353-391; CR1; L Barsanti, P Coltelli, V Evangelista, AM Frassanito, V Passarelli, N Vesentini, P Gualtieri; citation_publisher=Springer
- Renew Energy; Two phase microalgae growth in the open system for enhanced lipid productivity; P Das, SS Aziz, JP Obbard; 36; 9; 2011; 2524-2528; 10.1016/j.renene.2011.02.002; citation_id=CR2
- Renew Sustain Energy Rev; Biofuels from microalgae- a review of technologies for production, processing, and extractions of biofuels and co-products; L Brennan, P Owende; 14; 2010; 557-577; 10.1016/j.rser.2009.10.009; citation_id=CR3
- J Argic Food Chem.; Innovative natural functional ingredients from microalgae; M Plaza, M Herrero, A Cifuentes, E Ibanez; 57; 2009; 7159-7170; 10.1021/jf901070g; citation_id=CR4
- Biomol Eng; Realizing the promises of marine biotechnology; EE Luiten, I Akkerman, A Koulman, P Kamermans, H Reith, MJ Barbosa, D Sipkema, RH Wijffels; 20; 2003; 429-439; 10.1016/S1389-0344(03)00074-1; citation_id=CR5
- J Appl Phycol; Borowitzka high-value products from microalgae their development and commercialization; A Michael; 25; 2013; 743-756; 10.1007/s10811-013-9983-9; citation_id=CR6
- Appl Microbiol Biotechnol; Valuable products from biotechnology of microalgae; O Pulz, G Gross; 65; 6; 2004; 635-648; 10.1007/s00253-004-1647-x; citation_id=CR7
- J Chem Technol Biotechnol; Microalgal biomass as a fermentation feedstock for bioethanol production; R Harun, MK Danquah, GM Forde; 85; 2010; 199-203; citation_id=CR8
- Bioresour Technol; Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N as a potential candidate for CO2 mitigation and biodiesel production; SH Ho, WM Chen, G Chang; 101; 22; 2010; 8725-8730; 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.06.112; citation_id=CR9
- Biotechnol Res Int.; Algae oil: a sustainable renewable fuel of future; M Paul Abishek, J Patel, Rajan A Prem; 2014; 2014; 272814; 10.1155/2014/272814; citation_id=CR10
- Egypt J Pet; Commercialization potential aspects of microalgae for biofuel production: an overview; TS Gendy, SA El-Temtamy; 22; 2013; 43-51; 10.1016/j.ejpe.2012.07.001; citation_id=CR11
- PLoS ONE; Assessing the greenhouse gas emissions of Brazilian soybean biodiesel production; CEP Cerri, X You, MR Cherubin; 12; 5; 2017; e0176948; 10.1371/journal.pone.0176948; citation_id=CR12
- J Biotechnol; Regulation of the pigment optical density of an algal cell: filling the gap between photosynthetic productivity in the laboratory and in mass culture; C Formighieri, F Franck, R Bassi; 162; 2012; 115-123; 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2012.02.021; citation_id=CR13
- Plant Sci; Solar energy conversion efficiencies in photosynthesis: minimizing the chlorophyll antennae to maximize efficiency; A Melis; 177; 2009; 272-280; 10.1016/j.plantsci.2009.06.005; citation_id=CR14
- Biomed Res Int; Microalgae as sustainable renewable energy feedstock for biofuel production; SR Medipally, FM Yusoff, S Banerjee, M Shariff; 2015; citation_id=CR15
- Biotechnol Bioeng; Microalgae for oil: strain selection, induction of lipid synthesis and outdoor mass cultivation in a low-cost photobioreactor; L Rodolfi, G Chini Zittelli, N Bassi, G Padovani, N Biondi, G Bonini, MR Tredici; 102; 2009; 100-112; 10.1002/bit.22033; citation_id=CR16
- Biotechnol Bioeng; Outdoor cultivation of temperature-tolerant Chlorella sorokiniana in a column photobioreactor under low power-input; Q Bchet, R Munoz, A Shilton, B Guieysse; 110; 2013; 118-126; 10.1002/bit.24603; citation_id=CR17
- Biotechnol J; Theoretical calculations on the feasibility of microalgal biofuels: utilization of marine resources could help realizing the potential of microalgae; H Park, C Lee; 11; 11; 2016; 1461-1470; 10.1002/biot.201600041; citation_id=CR18
- J Microbiol Exp.; Microalgae biomass production for CO2 mitigation and biodiesel production; A Pandey; 4; 4; 2017; 00117; citation_id=CR19
- Aquaculture; Culture of marine microalgae with natural biodigested resources; J Paniagua-Michel, BC Farfan, LF Buckle Ramirez; 64; 2011; 249-256; 10.1016/0044-8486(87)90330-9; citation_id=CR20