J-GLOBAL ID:202001007034422754
更新日: 2024年09月25日 嶋 敏之
シマ トシユキ | SHIMA Toshiyuki
- Smシード層導入によるSm(Fe-Co)12-B薄膜の保磁力増加. 日本磁気学会誌. 2024. 48. 17-20
- H. Sepehri-Amin, N. Kulesh, Y. Mori, T. Ohkubo, K. Hono, T. Shima. Microstructure and coercivity of Al-diffused Sm(Fe,Co,B)12 film. Scripta Materialia. 2024
- キャップ層からのAl元素の拡散によるSm(Fe-Co)-B薄膜の保磁力の増加. 日本磁気学会誌. 2023. 47. 103-107
- A. Bolyachkin, H. Sepehri Amin, M. Kambayashi, Y. Mori, T. Ohkubo, Y. K. Takahashi, T. Shima, K. Hono. Coercivity engineering in Sm(Fe0.8Co0.2)12B0.5 thin films by Si grain boundary diffusion. Acta Materialia. 2022. 227. 117716
- M. Kambayashi, H. Kato, Y. Mori, M. Doi, T. Shima. Structure and Magnetic Properties of Sm(Fe0.8Co0.2)12 Thin Films by Adding Light Elements. Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan. 2021. 45. 3. 66-69
- H. Sepehri-Amin, Y. Tamazawa, M. Kambayashi, G. Saito, Y.K. Takahashi, D. Ogawa, T. Ohkubo, S. Hirosawa, M. Doi, T. Shima, et al. Achievement of high coercivity in Sm(Fe0.8Co0.2)12 anisotropic magnetic thin film by boron doping. Acta Materialia. 2020. 194. 337-342
- Gota Saito, Yukiya Tamazawa, Fumitaka Nakagawa, Morito Kambayashi, Masaaki Doi, Toshiyuki Shima. Magnetic Properties of ThMn12-Type Sm-Rich Sm-Fe-Co Thin Films with V Buffer Layer. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP). 2019. 02M27-1-02M27-5
- R. Mandal, D. Ogawa, Y. Tamazawa, K. Ishioka, T. Shima, T. Kato, S. Iwata, Y.K. Takahashi, S. Hirosawa, K. Hono. Time domain magnetization dynamics study to estimate interlayer exchange coupling constant in Nd-Fe-B/Ni80Fe20 films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018. 468. 273-278
- K. Watanabe, H. Makuta, M. Doi, T. Shima. Fabrication of D022-Mn3Ge Thin Films by Alternate Sputtering Method. Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan. 2018. 42. 4. 96-101
- Y. Takahashi, K. Sato, T. Shima, M. Doi. Dependence of magnetic properties on different buffer layers of Mn3.5Ga thin films. AIP Advances. 2018. 8. 5. 056315-056315
- K. Sato, Y. Takahashi, H. Makuta, T. Shima, M. Doi. Dependence of thickness of Fe buffer layer on magnetic properties for Mn2.6Ga thin films. T. Magn. Soc. Jpn. (Special Issues). 2018. 2. 2. 48-51
- Shigenobu Koyama, Kazuki Minami, Hiroki Iwama, Junichi Hayasaka, Toshiyuki Shima. Tunable Bias Magnetic Field of Nano-Granular TMR Sensor Using FePt Film Magnet. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2017. 53. 11. 1-4
- H. Sepehri-Amin, H. Iwama, G. Hrkac, K.T. Butler, T. Shima, K. Hono. Pt surface segregation in L1 0 -FePt nano-grains. Scripta Materialia. 2017. 135. 88-91
- Makuta Hirokazu, Iwama Hiroki, Shima Toshiyuki, Doi Masaaki. Magnetic coupling dependence on MgO interlayer thickness of FePt multilayered dots. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2017. 56. 5. 055504-055504
- H. Sepehri-Amin, H. Iwama, T. Ohkubo, T. Shima, K. Hono. Microstructure and in-plane component of L1(0)-FePt films deposited on MgO and MgAl2O4 substrates. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA. 2017. 130. 247-251
- Makuta H., Takahashi Y., Shima T., Doi M. Size Dependence of Magnetic Properties for L10-MnGa Circular Dots. 日本磁気学会論文特集号. 2017. 1. 1. 26-29
- Y. Takahashi, H. Makuta, T. Shima, M. Doi. Fabrication and magnetic properties of L10-MnGa highly oriented thin films. T. Magn. Soc. Jpn. (Special Issues). 2017. 1. 1. 30-33
- Risa Kurosu, Aya Sugawara, Hiroki Iwama, Masaaki Doi, Toshiyuki Shima. Improvement of Magnetic Properties in Microfabricated FePt and Fe Nano-Composites Upon Post-Annealing. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2017. 8. 1-4
- Aya Sugawara, Hiroki Iwama, Risa Kurosu, Masaaki Doi, Toshiyuki Shima. Effects of Separation and Cap Layers on the Magnetic Properties of Arrays of Square Nd-Fe-B Thin Films. IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2017. 8. 1-4
- A. Sugawara, H. Iwama, R. Kurosu, M. Doi, T. Shima. Effect of Microfabrication on the Magnetic Properties for Nd-Fe-B Thin Films with Several Cap Layers. 2016 International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (ICAUMS). 2016