J-GLOBAL ID:202001007699277330
更新日: 2024年05月04日
レジ スプリヤ
レジ スプリヤ | Rej Supriya
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
論文 (22件):
Supriya Rej, Naoto Chatani. Regioselective Transition-Metal-Free C(sp2)-H Borylation: A Subject of Practical and Ongoing Interest in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2022
Ken Yamazaki, Supriya Rej, Yusuke Ano, Naoto Chatani. Origin of the Enhanced Reactivity in the ortho C-H Borylation of Benzaldehydes with BBr3. Organic Letters. 2022. 24. 1. 213-217
Ken Yamazaki, Supriya Rej, Yusuke Ano, Naoto Chatani. An Unusual Perpendicular Metallacycle Intermediate is the Origin of Branch Selectivity in the Rh(II)-Catalyzed C-H Alkylation of Aryl Sulfonamides with Vinylsilanes. Organometallics. 2021. 40. 23. 3935-3942
Ken Yamazaki, Supriya Rej, Yusuke Ano, Naoto Chatani. Mechanism and Origins of Regiochemical Control in Rh(III)-Catalyzed Oxidative C-H Alkenylation and Coupling Sequence of Unprotected 1-Naphthylamines with α,β-Unsaturated Esters. Organometallics. 2021. 40. 9. 1371-1378
Supriya Rej, Naoto Chatani. Effect of Sulfonamide and Carboxamide Ligands on the Structural Diversity of Bimetallic RhII-RhII Cores: Exploring the Catalytic Activity of These Newly Synthesized Rh2 Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry. 2021. 60. 6. 3534-3538
MISC (3件):
Supriya Rej, Yusuke Ano, Naoto Chatani. Bidentate Directing Groups: An Efficient Tool in C-H Bond Functionalization Chemistry for the Expedient Construction of C-C Bonds. Chemical Reviews. 2020. 120. 3. 1788-1887
Supriya Rej, Naoto Chatani. Rhodium-Catalyzed C(sp2)- or C(sp3)-H Bond Functionalization Assisted by Removable Directing Groups. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 2019. 58. 25. 8304-8329
Supriya Rej, Hayato Tsurugi, Kazushi Mashima. Multiply-bonded dinuclear complexes of early-transition metals as minimum entities of metal cluster catalysts. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 2018. 355. 223-239