J-GLOBAL ID:202001013960367732
更新日: 2024年12月24日 ピー シー シャクティ
ピー シー シャクティ | P. C. Shakti
Extreme Rainfall and Flooding in Northern Japan: A Preliminary Assessment of the July 2024 Event
(AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA 2024) -
Flood Susceptibility Mapping for Social Insurance Business
(Esri User Conference 2024 2024) -
Estimating river discharge in mountainous river basins using high-sensitivity seismometers during extreme rain events
(AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, USA) -
Monitoring River Flow Utilizing High-Sensitivity Seismometers During Catastrophic Flood Events
(Tsukuba Conference 2023 2023) -
Estimation of river discharge using NIED Hi-net data during flooding event: a case study for Typhoon Hagibis, 2019
(Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources 2023) -
(Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources 2023) -
The relationships between seismic noise energy excited by a streamflow and water level revealed from spectral analysis of Hi-net seismograms
(IUGG General Assembly 2023 2023) -
Quick Exposure Assessment of Flood Inundation during Extreme Rain Events
(Esri User Conference 2023 2023) -
An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data
(The 2nd Workshop between National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction of Taiwan (NCDR) and National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience of Japan (NIED) 2023) -
Flood resilience enhancement in Thailand through the SATREPS: Area-BCM project and systematic review of flood management
(The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) 2023) -
Flood inundation mapping of river basins during extreme rain events
(The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) 2023) -
On the possibility of near real-time flood inundation mapping with social network information
(The 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) 2023) -
An approach for predicting river discharge during heavy rain events using seismic noise data in ungauged mountainous river basins
(AGU Fall Meeting 2022) -
Enhancing flood resilience and adaptation for future climate change
(Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW2022) 2022) -
An assessment of quick flood inundation mapping product for better disaster management
(The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRiM2022) 2022) -
Interactive WebGIS tool for immediate estimation of flood inundation
(The 12th International Conference of the International Society for the INTEGRATED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRiM2022) 2022) -
Developing flood hazard map of the Chao Phraya River Basin using Rainfall-runoff-inundation model
(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2022, 19th Annual Meeting 2022) -
(2022) -
(2021年度 東京大学地震研究所共同利用研究集会「固体地球の多様な波動現象へのアプローチ: 多量データ解析と大規模計算を両輪に」 2021) -
Comparative Analysis of Flood Inundation Mapping Products in Small Areas
(Annual conference of Japan society of hydrology and water resources, Online 2021)