J-GLOBAL ID:202001016045366332
更新日: 2024年11月22日 駒形 純也
コマガタ ジュンヤ | KOMAGATA JUNYA
- Yuta Sakamoto, Junya Komagata, Atsuya Otsuka, Yukina Shinya, Momoka Sendouda, Yujiro Masu. Factors Associated with Anxiety and Depression among Elite Collegiate Badminton Players in Japan: Exploratory Analysis. Psychiatry International. 2024. 5. 3. 470-481
- Toru Tamaki, Ken Muramatsu, Masako Ikutomo, Junya Komagata. Effects of low-intensity exercise on contractile property of skeletal muscle and the number of motor neurons in diabetic rats. Anatomical science international. 2023. 99. 1. 106-117
- 藤田 大輔, 高村 浩司, 駒形 純也, 玉木 徹, 坂本 祐太, 三科 貴博. 理学療法学生の職業的アイデンティティと進学に対する動機づけの関連性. 理学療法科学. 2022. 37. 6. 525-530
- Daisuke Fujita, Hiroshi Takamura, Junya Komagata, Toru Tamaki, Yuta Sakamoto, Takahiro Mishina. The Relationship between Professional Identity and Academic Motivation Scale in Physical Therapy Students. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2022. 37. 6. 525-530
- 駒形 純也, 杉浦 篤志, 高村 浩司, 太田 昭生, 北間 敏弘. 脳卒中患者の荷重偏移改善のための新たな治療方法. BIO Clinica. 2020. 35. 14. 1337-1342
- Junya Komagata, Atsushi Sugiura, Hiroshi Takamura, Akio Ohta, Toshihiro Kitama. Effect of optokinetic stimulation on weight-bearing shift in standing and sitting positions in stroke patients. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2020. 57. 1. 13-23
- Effect of optokinetic stimulation in the virtual reality environment on weight-bearing shift during gait movement in healthy subjects. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2020. 8. 1
- 坂本祐太, 藤田大輔, 玉木徹, 駒形純也, 三科貴博, 髙村浩司. 臨床実習実後の主観的満足度は学生のMotivationのタイプにより関連する尺度が異なる-主観的満足度とAcademic motivation scaleを用いた縦断的観察研究-. リハビリテーション教育研究. 2020. 26. 72-77
- Atsuya Otsuka, Junya Komagata, Yuta Sakamoto. Wearing a surgical mask does not affect the anaerobic threshold during pedaling exercise. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 2020. 17. 1. 1-7
- Junya Komagata, Toru Tamaki, Akihiro Ashikawa, Ken Muramatsu. Effects of Cooling on Tactile Sense Sensitivities and Sensory Nerve Conduction Velocity: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation. 2018. 4
- 駒形 純也, 高村 浩司, 荒川 聡美, 清水 大介, 杉浦 篤志, 北間 敏弘. ヘッドマウントディスプレイを用いた視覚的外乱と身体動揺の関連. 理学療法学Supplement. 2017. 2016. 1157-1157
- Toru Tamaki, Masako Ikutomo, Satomi Arakawa, Junya Komagata, Masatoshi Niwa, Ken Muramatsu. Exercise Training Prevent Decrease of Muscle Strength in Otsuka Long- Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation. 2016. 2
- Takashi Kamimura, Ken Muramatsu, Junya Komagata. Participation of Activation of Corticospinal Tract during Dual Task Walking by EMG Coherence Analysis in Healthy Adults. International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation. 2016
- Toshihiro Kitama, Junya Komagata, Kenichi Ozawa, Yutaka Suzuki, Yu Sato. Plane-specific Purkinje cell responses to vertical head rotations in the cat cerebellar nodulus and uvula. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2014. 112. 3. 644-659