J-GLOBAL ID:202001016845673314
更新日: 2024年09月26日 小原 雄
オハラ ユウ | Ohara Yu
- Koji Sakai, Yu Ohara, Takeshi Takahashi, Kei Yamada. A Method for Estimating the Number of Diseases in an Image Database: Utilization of Predicates and Application to a CT Database. Advances in Networked-based Information Systems. 2023. 197-205
- Yosuke Maehara, Hiroshi Miura, Tatsuya Hirota, Shunsuke Asai, Toshiyuki Okamoto, Yu Ohara, Kei Yamada. Frequency and Risk Factors for Air Embolism in Computed Tomography Fluoroscopy-Guided Biopsy of Lung Tumor With the Use of Noncoaxial Automatic Needle. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY. 2023. 47. 1. 71-77
- Issei Imura, Yusuke Gotoh, Koji Sakai, Yu Ohara, Jun Tazoe, Hiroshi Miura, Tatsuya Hirota, Akira Uchiyama, Yoshinari Nomura. A Method for Estimating Physician Stress Using Wearable Sensor Devices. Sensors and Materials. 2022. 34. 8. 2955-2955
- 前原 陽介, 永野 仁美, 梶川 智博, 小原 雄, 木田 節, 山田 惠. 原発性シェーグレン症候群と二次性シェーグレン症候群に関連した間質性肺炎の胸部CT所見の検討. 日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集. 2022. 58回. S404-S405
- Masanori Yamashita, Hiroshi Miura, Yu Ohara, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Tatsuya Hirota, Takanobu Fukunaga, Hiroshi Takamatsu, Takuji Yamagami, Kei Yamada. Evaluation of Temperature Distribution Around the Probe in Cryoablation of Lipiodol-Mixed-Tissue Phantom. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology. 2021. 44. 3. 489-495
- Yusuke Gotoh, Naoki Iwamoto, Koji Sakai, Jun Tazoe, Yu Ohara, Akira Uchiyama, Yoshinari Nomura. A Proposition of Physician Scheduling Method for Improving Work-Life Balance. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. 2021. 65. 333-343
- 小原 雄, 田添 潤, 赤澤 健太郎, 山田 惠. 【救急放射線診断へのアプローチ】脳神経・脊髄/急性脳症・脳炎など 硬膜下蓄膿. 臨床画像. 2018. 34. 10月増刊. 40-41
- 小原 雄, 増井 浩二, 山崎 秀哉, 山田 惠, 山田 恭弘, 白石 匠, 沖原 宏治. 当院における前立腺癌の外部照射併用密封小線源療法の治療成績. Japanese Journal of Radiology. 2017. 35. Suppl. 47-47