Minoru Tanaka, Ken Sugimoto, Hiroshi Akasaka, Shino Yoshida, Toshimasa Takahashi, Taku Fujimoto, Keyu Xie, Yukiko Yasunobe, Koichi Yamamoto, Takumi Hirabayashi, et al. Effects of interleukin-15 on autophagy regulation in the skeletal muscle of mice. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2024. 326. 3. E326-E340
Keyu Xie, Ken Sugimoto, Minoru Tanaka, Hiroshi Akasaka, Taku Fujimoto, Toshimasa Takahashi, Yuri Onishi, Tomohiro Minami, Shino Yoshida, Yoichi Takami, et al. Effects of luseogliflozin treatment on hyperglycemia-induced muscle atrophy in rats. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 2023. 72. 3. 248-255
Fei Kang, Li Xie, Tairan Qin, Yifan Miao, Youhou Kang, Toshimasa Takahashi, Tao Liang, Huanli Xie, Herbert Y Gaisano. Plasma membrane flipping of Syntaxin-2 regulates its inhibitory action on insulin granule exocytosis. Nature communications. 2022. 13. 1. 6512-6512
Yibin Huang, Toshimasa Takahashi, Herbert Gaisano, Hiromi Rakugi, Koichi Yamamoto. A live-imaging protocol for tracking receptor dynamics in single cells. STAR protocols. 2022. 3. 2. 101347-101347
Liu Weidong, 高橋 利匡, 野里 陽一, 井原 拾得, 小原 僚一, Wang Ziwei, Guo Yu, Yin Nanxiang, 鷹見 洋一, 山本 浩一. 酸化低比重リポ蛋白(oxLDL)によるNASH発症の新規メカニズムの解明(Elucidation of a novel mechanism for the development of NASH induced by oxidized low-density lipoprotein(oxLDL)). 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2024. 61. Suppl. 143-143
Guo Yu, 鷹見 洋一, 野里 陽一, 井原 拾得, 小原 僚一, Liu Weidong, Yin Nanxiang, Wang Ziwei, 高橋 利匡, 山本 浩一. LOX-1はAT1/β-アレスチン2経路を介してミクログリア細胞におけるAβ取り込みを促進する(LOX-1 potentiates Aβ uptake in microglial cell via AT1 β-arrestin 2 pathway). 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2024. 61. Suppl. 143-143
Trehalose alleviates pancreatitis through SNARE-ATGs interaction that rectified the perturbed autophagy.
(50th APA Annual meeting, USA 2019)
Association of autoimmune thyroiditis with sarcopenia with type 1 diabetes.
(7th IAGG Master class on Ageing in Asia, China 2016)
Association of autoimmune thyroiditis with sarcopenia in patients with type 1 diabetes.
(51st EASD Annual Meeting, Germany 2016)
Interplay between incretin and sulfonylurea through Epac2A/Rap1 signaling in insulin secretion.
(10th IDF-WPR Congress 2014/ 6th AASD Scientific Meeting,Singapore 2014)
Interaction of incretin and sulfonylurea through Epac2A in insulin secretion
(2013 International Conference on Diabetes and Metsbolism & 5th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes)