J-GLOBAL ID:202101011379582910   更新日: 2024年01月13日

裵 芝允

ベ ジユン | Bae Jiyun
職名: 助教
論文 (11件):
  • Jiyun Bae. How closer can methodologies approach life?: The study of “bodily knowing” in Japan. The Journal of Somaesthetics. 2024. 9. 2. 163-173
  • Jiyun Bae. Somaesthetics in early Korean history: The educational scope of the hwarang. The Journal of Somaesthetics. 2022. 8. 1. 59-68
  • 裵芝允, 須谷弥生. COILの教育学的検討-協働学習(Collaborative Learning)に焦点を当てて-. 学習開発学研究. 2022. 14. 113-122
  • Jiyun Bae. Somaesthetics for Children: The Double-Barreled Body and Contemplative Practice. International Journal of Education and Teaching. 2021. 1. 4. 30-36
  • Jiyun Bae. Somaesthetics and yoga. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. 2020. 47. 2. 217-231
MISC (3件):
  • 裵芝允. 【書評】Richard Shusterman. Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 上智大学体育. 2023. 55. 75-78
  • 裵芝允. 【随想】まねることで学ぶ. 学習開発学研究. 2021. 13. 19-19
  • BAE JIYUN. 教育における身体感性論の実践とその可能性 : 小学校中学年の授業への取り入れから (教育の思想). 教育学研究紀要. 2015. 61. 1. 1-6
書籍 (2件):
  • 身心文化学習論
    創文企画 2021 ISBN:9784864131490
  • Somaesthetics and the philosophy of culture : projects in Japan
    Routledge 2021 ISBN:9780367443436
講演・口頭発表等 (8件):
  • VR(virtual reality)の身体感覚に関する一考察:「自己感」を中心に
    (日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第72回大会 2022)
  • Embodied COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) : Shared Inquiry on the Quest for Pleasure
    (International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children(ICPIC) 2022 20th Biennial Conference in Tokyo 2022)
  • Somaesthetics for Children: Double-barreled body and contemplative practice
    (International Conference on Philosophy for Children 2019)
  • What is your Somaesthetics?: Yoga as somaesthetics education
    (Meeting of The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2019)
  • 교육을 위한 신체감성론(somaesthetics)의 연구- 프래그머티즘 으로서의 신체감성론과 멜리오리즘(教育のための身体感性論の研究-プラグマティズムとしての身体感性論とメリオリズム)
    (韓国教育思想学会春季定期学術発表会 2019)
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