J-GLOBAL ID:202201013154220106
更新日: 2025年01月31日 鈴木 敬介
スズキ ケイスケ | Suzuki Keisuke
Indosinian Orogeny recorded in sedimentary rocks of the Indochina Block, central Thailand
(IAGR 2024 (International Association for Gondwana Research and 21st International Conference on Gondwana to Asia) 2024) -
Age and radiolarian fauna of pelagic siliceous rocks within the Akiyoshi belt in the Hashidate area, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan
(IAGR 2024 (International Association for Gondwana Research and 21st International Conference on Gondwana to Asia) 2024) -
Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology revealing an early formation of proto-Japan: Reconstruction of Ordovician arc along the Terra Australis Orogen of northeastern Gondwana
(IAGR 2024 (International Association for Gondwana Research and 21st International Conference on Gondwana to Asia) 2024) -
(日本地質学会第131年学術大会 2024) -
(日本地質学会第131年学術大会 2024) -
Radiolaria- and zircon U-Pb-dated Permian strata on Sado Island, central Japan, and their geotectonic significance
(International Association for Gondwana Research 2023 Convention and 20th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia 2023) -
Structural evolution and stratigraphic relations in the Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) and its implications in regional scale tectonics
(International Association for Gondwana Research 2023 Convention and 20th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia 2023) -
Paleozoic sedimentary history of the Hida Gaien belt (Inner zone of Southwest Japan) in relation to the breakup of Gondwana and the assembly of Northeast Asia
(International Association for Gondwana Research 2023 Convention and 20th International Conference on Gondwana to Asia 2023) -
Tectonic setting and development of the Upper Paleozoic volcano-sedimentary sequence in the Hida-gaien belt (Inner Zone of Southwest Japan) based on zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry
(The AGU Fall Meeting 2020 2020) -
Sedimentary history of the Middle Paleozoic strata in the Hida-gaien belt (Inner Zone of Southwest Japan) based on lithostratigraphic reconstruction and U-Pb zircon age
(The AGU Fall Meeting 2020 2020) -
(日本古生物学会第169回例会 2020) -
Permian-Early Triassic arc development based on detrital zircon U-Pb ages and sandstone provenance of the Hida Gaien belt, central Japan
(The AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019) -
(日本地質学会第126年学術大会 2019) -
Paleo arc development during Permian-Early Triassic based on detrital zircon U-Pb ages and sandstone provenance of the Hida Gaien belt
(JSPS-DST Japan-India Forum for Advanced Study 2019) -
Unroofing of a Permian-Jurassic magmatic arc in East Asia, based on detrital zircon U-Pb ages and sandstone provenance of the Hida Gaien belt, central Japan
(Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes 2018 2018) -
(日本地質学会第125年学術大会 2018) -
(石油技術協会平成30年度春季講演会個人講演 2018) -
Development of a Permian-Jurassic active continental margin in East Asia, based on detrital zircon U-Pb ages and sandstone provenance of the Hida Gaien belt, central Japan
(日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会 2018) -
(日本地質学会第124年学術大会 2017) -
(日本地質学会中部支部 2017年支部年会 2017)