2019 - 2022 Antarctic Cyclones: Expression in Sea Ice (ACES)
2016 - 2019 Coupled Ice-Ocean Interactions
2011 - 2014 Process Regulating Iron Supply at the Mesoscale in the Ross Sea (PRISM-RS)
論文 (7件):
Stefanie L. Mack, Michael S. Dinniman, John M. Klinck, Dennis J. McGillicuddy, Laurence Padman. Modeling Ocean Eddies on Antarctica's Cold Water Continental Shelves and Their Effects on Ice Shelf Basal Melting. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS. 2019. 124. 7. 5067-5084
Stefanie L. Mack, Michael S. Dinniman, Dennis J. McGillicuddy, Peter N. Sedwick, John M. Klinck. Dissolved iron transport pathways in the Ross Sea: Influence of tides and horizontal resolution in a regional ocean model. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS. 2017. 166. 73-86
Adam B. Kustka, Josh T. Kohut, Angelicque E. White, Phoebe J. Lam, Allen J. Milligan, Michael S. Dinniman, Stefanie Mack, Elias Hunter, Michael R. Hiscock, Walker O. Smith, et al. The roles of MCDW and deep water iron supply in sustaining a recurrent phytoplankton bloom on central Pennell Bank (Ross Sea). DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS. 2015. 105. 171-185
D. J. McGillicuddy, P. N. Sedwick, M. S. Dinniman, K. R. Arrigo, T. S. Bibby, B. J. W. Greenan, E. E. Hofmann, J. M. Klinck, W. O. Smith, S. L. Mack, et al. Iron supply and demand in an Antarctic shelf ecosystem. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2015. 42. 19. 8088-8097
Becchetti, FD, Mack, SL, Robinson, WR, Ojaruega, M. Colliding nuclei to colliding galaxies: Illustrations using a simple colliding liquid-drop apparatus. American Journal of Physics. 2015. 83. 10. 846-856