J-GLOBAL ID:202301018050983735
更新日: 2025年02月18日 木島 菜菜子
Konoshima Nanako
- Nanako Konoshima. Developing the "lines": Politically Significant Landscapes in Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities. DICKENS QUARTERLY. 2023. 40. 2. 174-185
- 木島, 菜菜子. ディケンズと鉄道再考: 魅力、幻影、恐怖. 京都ノートルダム女子大学言語文化研究 = Kyoto Notre Dame University Studies in Language and Culture. 2022. 10. 25-40
- Nanako Konoshima. Storm and Sunset: Turnerian Seascapes in David Copperfield. DICKENSIAN. 2017. 113. 502. 150-159
- 木島, 菜菜子. ディケンズ、フッドと「空腹の40年代」:『ケイト・ニクルビー』と初期の社会派リアリズム. 西洋文学研究 = STUDIES IN WESTERN LITERATURE. 2014. 34. 16-36
- 木島 菜菜子. Dickens and the Visual Arts: Literary Imagination and Painted Image. (博士論文)京都大学. 2014
- The Picturesque and Reality in Pictures from Italy. 2011. 57. 114-140
- コノシマ ナナコ. The portrait of Dorothea and her emotional landscapes: analysis of visual passages in Middlemarch. 2008. 10. 17-36
- Relationships in the Retribution : Mr Dombey and Florence in Dombey and Son. 2007. 20. 1-18
- “Sydney Carton and ‘Quiet Heroism’”. 『関西英文学研究』. 2007. 1. 37-58