岩元 恕文. 書評と紹介 Marc David Baer, The Donme : Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks. イスラム世界 = The world of Islam / 日本イスラム協会 編. 2018. 90. 81-89
Jewish National Consciousness and Imperial Citizenship of Ottoman Zionists 1908-1919(オスマン・シオニストのユダヤ民族意識と帝国市民権 1908~1919年)
(CIEPO 25 2024)
Jewish Intellectuals in Post-WWI Istanbul: Zionist and Turkist Activities in 1919-1922(世界大戦後におけるユダヤ人知識人の動向:1919~22年のシオニストとトルコ主義者の活動)
(Christians and Jews in the Late Ottoman Empire(後期オスマン帝国におけるキリスト教徒とユダヤ人) 2024)
Negotiation for the future of Ottoman Zionism: L’Aurore’s view of Jewish ethnicity and patriotism during the Second Constitution Period.
(Turkologentag 2023 2023)
Turkish Jews and their Imperial Legacy: ‘Citizen, Speak Turkish!’ Campaign and Jewish Intellectuals in the Early Republican Period
(19th Annual International Conference on History & Archaeology: From Ancient to Modern 2021)