J-GLOBAL ID:202401013992340827
更新日: 2025年03月21日 北原 優
キタハラ マサル | Kitahara Masaru
- Tong Zhou, Tong Guo, Xujia Zhu, Masaru Kitahara, Jize Zhang. A theoretically-consistent parallel enrichment strategy for Bayesian active learning reliability analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2025. 437. 117752-117752
- Masaru Kitahara, Pengfei Wei. Sequential and adaptive probabilistic integration for structural reliability analysis. Structural Safety. 2025. 102577-102577
- 片山創一朗, 北原優, 長山智則. 複数観測点での地震応答を用いた既存免震橋のベイズモデル更新. 土木学会論文集. 2025. 81. 15. 24-15022-24-15022
- Tomoki Takami, Masaru Kitahara, Jørgen Juncher Jensen, Sadaoki Matsui. Extreme Nonlinear Ship Response Estimations by Active Learning Reliability Method and Dimensionality Reduction for Ocean Wave. Marine Structures. 2025. 99. 103723
- Masaru Kitahara, Takeshi Kitahara. Sequential and adaptive probabilistic integration for Bayesian model updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2025. 223. 111825
- Pengfei Wei, Masaru Kitahara, Matthias G.R. Faes, Michael Beer. Probabilistic Calibration of Model Parameters with Approximate Bayesian Quadrature and Active Machine Learning. Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering. 2024
- Masaru Kitahara, Daichi Masuda, Kai Xue, Tomonori Nagayama, Di Su, Hirofumi Tanaka. Track Geometry Estimation and Hanging Sleeper Detection Using Vehicle Dynamic Responses with Unknown System Parameters. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. 2024. 10. 3
- Masaru Kitahara, Yuki Kakiuchi, Yaohua Yang, Tomonori Nagayama. Adaptive Bayesian filter with data-driven sparse state space model for seismic response estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2024. 208. 111048-111048
- 増田大地, 北原優, 薛凱, 長山智則, 蘇迪. ハーフカーモデルによる軌道形状推定と車両重量差を考慮した浮きまくらぎ検出. 土木学会論文集. 2024. 80. 15. n/a-n/a
- 北原優, 北原武嗣, Michael BEER. 階層ベイズ更新とモデル選択による相関を有するパラメータの不確定性定量化. 土木学会論文集. 2024. 80. 15. n/a-n/a
- Masaru Kitahara, Chao Dang, Michael Beer. Bayesian updating with two-step parallel Bayesian optimization and quadrature. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2023. 403. 115735-115735
- 北原優, 北原武嗣, Michael BEER. 階層ベイズ推定によるパラメータ不確定性定量化の有用性. 土木学会論文集. 2023. 79. 15. n/a-n/a
- Marco Behrendt, Masaru Kitahara, Takeshi Kitahara, Liam Comerford, Michael Beer. Data-driven reliability assessment of dynamic structures based on power spectrum classification. Engineering Structures. 2022. 268. 114648-114648
- Masaru Kitahara, Sifeng Bi, Matteo Broggi, Michael Beer. Distribution-free stochastic model updating of dynamic systems with parameter dependencies. Structural Safety. 2022. 97. 102227-102227
- Masaru Kitahara, Jingwen Song, Pengfei Wei, Matteo Broggi, Michael Beer. A Distributionally Robust Approach for Mixed Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties Propagation. AIAA Journal. 2022. 60. 7. 4471-4477
- Masaru Kitahara, Takeshi Ishihara. Seismic soil-structure interaction analysis of wind turbine support structures using augmented complex mode superposition response spectrum method. Wind Energy Science. 2022. 7. 3. 1007-1020
- Masaru Kitahara, Sifeng Bi, Matteo Broggi, Michael Beer. Nonparametric Bayesian stochastic model updating with hybrid uncertainties. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2022. 163
- Adolphus Lye, Masaru Kitahara, Matteo Broggi, Edoardo Patelli. Robust optimization of a dynamic Black-box system under severe uncertainty: A distribution-free framework. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2022. 167
- 北原優, Matteo BROGGI, Michael BEER. 近似ベイズ計算(ABC)を用いたモデル更新による免震橋梁の残存耐震性能評価の検討. 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学). 2021. 77. 4. I_61-I_70
- Masaru Kitahara, Sifeng Bi, Matteo Broggi, Michael Beer. Bayesian Model Updating in Time Domain with Metamodel-Based Reliability Method. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering. 2021. 7. 3