J-GLOBAL ID:200901007779217275
Update date: Jul. 26, 2024 Tanaka Kouichi
タナカ コウイチ | Tanaka Kouichi
Homepage URL (1): https://k-tanaka.tokyo Research field (2):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Learning support systems
Research keywords (8):
, ピアノ学習支援システム
, 演奏の見える化
, 幼児音楽教育
, eポートフォリオ
, ピアノ教育
, ピアノ伴奏
, ピアノ
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2019 - 2021 保育者を志望するピアノ初級学習者の個人練習の内容調査と分析及びそのフィードバック
- 2016 - 2019 保育・教職志望者のピアノ授業と個別学習を連携する演奏eポートフォリオの開発と実践
- 2013 - 2016 潜在保育士の再就職を支援する音楽実演映像によるモバイルラーニング
- 2010 - 2013 モバイルラーニングによる実技教育の振り返り学習
Papers (14): -
Kouichi TANAKA, Mayumi HAYASHI, Ryuichiro OGURA, Yasuhiko TSUJI. The elucidation of the drill way of a piano beginner at preschool teacher education courses. Music Education Media. 2021. 7. 13-24
TANAKA Kouichi, OGURA Ryuichiro, TSUJI Yasuhiko. Piano performance recording and interview survey aimed at clarifying the self-study method of students. Music Education Media. 2020. 6. 0. 69-79
TANAKA Kouichi, OGURA Ryuichiro, SUZUKI Taizan, TSUJI Yasuhiko. Externalization and Transformation in the Process of Learning the Piano: A Qualitative Analysis of Retrospective Description for Beginning Students Using SCAT. Journal of the Japan Electronic Keyboard Society. 2018. 12. 4-16
Ryuichiro OGURA, Kouichi TANAKA, Taizan SUZUKI, Yasuhiko TSUJI. A Report of the Effectiveness of Visualization System for Piano Performances : Based on Qualitative Analysis of Reflections using a SCAT. Music Education Media. 2018. 4. 81-88
TANAKA Kouichi. A Study of the Piano Accompaniment Method with only the Left Hand,Based on the Concept of "hoiku naiyo hyogen" Preschool Teacher Education Courses. The Bulletin of St.Margaret's Vol.48(2016). 2017. 48. 111-122
more... MISC (19): -
Mayumi HAYASHI, TANAKA, Ryuichiro OGURA, Yasuhiko TSUJI. A study of piano beginners’s personal practice in a nursery school :Based on recording data and semi-structured interview. Music Education Media. 2021. 7. 60-61
TANAKA Kouichi, OGURA Ryuichiro, TSUJI Yasuhiko. Composition of a piano beginner's self-study. Music Education Media. 2020. 6. 0. 15-16
TANAKA Kouichi. Study through reflection of practical skill education by mobile device learning. Progress Report on Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research 16K01148. 2019
- 鈴木泰山, 田中功一, 小倉隆一郎, 辻靖彦. Practice of Beginners’ Piano Skill Training Support Using “Visualization System for Piano Performance (VSPP)”. 情報処理学会研究報告(Web). 2018. 2018. MUS-119
田中 功一, 小倉 隆一郎, 鈴木 泰山, 辻 靖彦. 演奏見える化ツールを用いて指導したピアノ学習者の追跡調査. 音楽教育メディア研究. 2018. 4. 13-14
more... Lectures and oral presentations (27): -
Composition of a piano beginner's self-study
(リサーチ・コ・コ・コモンズ(教育システム情報学会 関東支部) 2019)
演奏見える化ツール (VSPP) を用いたピアノ初学者向けの学習支援の実践
(音学シンポジウム2018(第119回 音楽情報科学研究会・第122回 音声言語情報処理研究会 共催研究会) 2018)
more... Works (1): -
ピアノ研究発表会 主宰
田中功一 1990 - 現在
Education (2): - 2013 - 2015 The Open University of Japan
- 1974 - 1978 Musashino Academia Musicae Department of Music Instrumental Music
Professional career (2): - 芸術学士 (武蔵野音楽大学)
- 修士(学術) (放送大学)
Work history (2): - 2020/06 - 2023/03 The Open University of Japan
- 2015/04 - 2020/03 St.Margaret's Junior College
Committee career (7): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 全日本ピアノ指導者協会
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