J-GLOBAL ID:200901012750772435
Update date: Nov. 27, 2024 Aoshima Sadahito
アオシマ サダヒト | Aoshima Sadahito
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/lab/aoshima/ Research field (4):
Polymer chemistry
, Synthetic organic chemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research keywords (6):
, 有機合成
, 高分子合成
, Synthetic Organic Chemistry
, Synthesis of Organic Compounds
, Polymer Synthesis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16): - 2010 - 2016 Comprehensive Research on Fusion Materials: Creative Development of Materials and Exploration of Their Function through Molecular Control
- 2007 - 2010 Development of multifunctional nano-vesicles having target accumulation, temperature-response, and imaging abilities
- 2007 - 2009 Heterogeneous Living Cationic Polymerization Using Iron Oxides : Environmentally Benign Catalyst Systems
- 2005 - 2006 1秒で完結する超高速リビングカチオン重合
- 2001 - 2003 リビングカチオン重合による高感度・選択的に物理ゲル化するジブロックポリマーの合成
- 1991 - 1991 官能基を有するビニル化合物のリビングカチオン重合
- 1989 - 1989 官能基を有するビニル化合物のリビングカチオン重合
- 1986 - 1987 官能基を有するビニル化合物のリビングカチオン重合
- 1985 - Design and Synthesis of Stimuli-Responsive Block Copolymers
- 1985 - Synthesis of New Advanced Polymers by Living Cationic Polymerization
- 1981 - Studies on Polymerization Mechanism and New Living Polymerization System
- 立体構造/シークエンス/分子量の複数制御型重合:分解性を有する機能性高分子の合成
- 進化する刺激応答性ポリマー:多様な温度応答性/精密分解型リビングポリマーの新設計
- 界面機能設計による融合マテリアルの構築
- 高度に構造制御された刺激応答性ポリマーの醍醐味:カチオン重合の挑戦
- 新しい戦略を組み込んだ精密重合系の創出:次世代機能性材料の創成へ向けた新手法
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Papers (354): -
Katto, A, Aoshima, S, Kanazawa, A. Sugar-Derived Cyclic Acetals as Comonomers for Cationic Copolymerization with Vinyl Ethers. Macromolecules. 2024. 57. 6255-6266
Kamigaki, K, Aoshima, S, Kanazawa, A. Cationic Alternating Copolymerization of Vinyl Esters and 3-Alkoxyphthalides: Side Chain-Crosslinkable Polymers for Acid-Degradable Single-Chain Nanoparticles. ACS Macro Lett. 2024. 13. 754-760
Eguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Aoshima, S. Metal-Free, Photoinitiated Cationic Terpolymerization of Vinyl Ethers, Oxiranes, and Ketones: Simultaneous Control of Monomer Sequence and Molecular Weight by the Formation of Long-Lived Propagating Species. Macromolecules. 2024. 57. 3346-3357
Watanabe, H, Mishima, Y, Kanazawa, A, Aoshima, S. Dual Control of Stereoregularity and Molecular Weight in Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Ether by Tunable TADDOLs/TiCl4 Initiating Systems. Polym. Chem. 2024. published online
Takebayashi, K, Kanazawa, A, Aoshima, S. Cationic Ring-Opening Copolymerization of a Cyclic Acetal and γ-Butyrolactone: Monomer Sequence Transformation and Polymerization-Depolymerization Control by Vacuuming or Temperature Change. Polym. J. 2023. published online
more... MISC (49): - Aoshima, S, Kanazawa, A, Kanaoka, S. Living Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Ethers by Lewis Acid Catalysts. Shokubai. 2016. 58. 1. 20-26
Kira B. Landenberger, Arihiro Kanazawa, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima. Recent developments in the synthesis of stimuli-sensitive polymers via living cationic polymerization. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2014. 248
Kira B. Landenberger, Yu Shinke, Yukari Oda, Arihiro Kanazawa, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima, Sachio Tsuboike, Shujun Zhou, Ayae Sugawara-Narutaki, Tatsuya Okubo, et al. Precision synthesis of polymers tailored towards directed formation and arrangement of silica nanomaterials. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2014. 248
Tomomi Irita, Takabumi Nagai, Yoshito Tanaka, Kenji Adachi, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima. Develop of novel smart fluorine-containing polymers and their applications. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2014. 247
Aoshima, S, Kanazawa, A, Kanaoka, S. Stimuli-Responsive Polymers: Recent Advances in Thermosensitive Polymers with Well-Controlled Structures. Oleoscience. 2014. 14. 2. 73-80
more... Patents (74): Education (4): - - 1987 Kyoto University
- - 1987 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
- - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Kyoto University)
Work history (5): - 2000/10 - 現在 大阪大学 教授 大学院理学研究科
- 2002/04 - 2003/03 東京大学 教授 物性研究所
- 2000/04 - 2000/09 大阪大学 助教授 大学院理学研究科
- 1988/04 - 2000/03 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology
- 1987/03 - 1988/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page