J-GLOBAL ID:200901015388759033
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Owada Shuji
OWADA SHUJI | Owada Shuji
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.owada.env.waseda.ac.jp/ Research field (1):
Earth resource engineering, energy science
Research keywords (1):
Resources Processing and Recycling
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2019 - 2022 最終処分場都市鉱山学の確立とその実践-採鉱・選鉱技術の開発-
- 2016 - 2019 希少金属類の経済的回収をめざした最終処分場都市鉱山化への方策
- 2012 - 2014 Preparation of Alcohol by CO2 reduction and carbon-carbon bond formation using high efficiency Fenton reaction
- 1997 - 1999 Improvement of the selectivity in electrostatic separation by surface modification
- 1995 - 1996 Establishment of Intensive Ash and Sulfur Rejection from Coals.
- 1991 - 1993 Establishment of Quick-Precision Grindability Testing Method and Application to Measurement of the Grindability of Dozens Kinds of High Purity Minerals.
- 1991 - 1991 微粒子形状評価へのフラクタルの適用
- 1990 - 1991 A Study for Improvement of the Separation Results of Rare Metal Minerals Which are Difficult to Separate
- 1986 - 1986 クロム鉄鉱の鉱物学的性質と還元性との関係に関する研究
- 1985 - 1985 純粋鉱物の鉱物学的性質と選鉱挙動との関係に関する研究
- 環境を考慮した資源リサイクリングへの選鉱技術の適用および実験手法の調査
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Papers (125): -
Kengo Horiuchi, Mitsuaki Matsuoka, Chiharu Tokoro, Shuji Owada, Shojiro Usui. Investigation of Heating Conditions for Cobalt Recycling from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries by Magnetic Separation. KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU. 2017. 43. 4. 213-218
松岡 光昭, 堀内 健吾, 所 千晴, 大和田 秀二, 薄井 正治郎. 使用済みリチウムイオン電池からの分級によるコバルト回収に適した加熱プロセスおよび粉砕プロセスの検討. スマートプロセス学会誌. 2016. 5. 6. 358-363
OWADA Shuji, KOGA Chikako, KAGEYAMA Sou, TOKORO Chiharu, SHIRATORI Toshikazu, YUMOTO Tetsuya. Concentration of Rare Metals from Wasted Cellular Phones by Combining Novel Comminution and Device/Powder Separation. Journal of MMIJ. 2012. 128. 12. 626-632
HARAGUCHI Daisuke, TOKORO Chiharu, OWADA Shuji. Comparison between Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation and Adsorption for Removal of Fluoride from Wastewater. Journal of MMIJ. 2011. 127. 1. 26-31
HARAGUCHI Daisuke, ODA Yuji, TOKORO Chiharu, OWADA Shuji. Comparison between Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation and Adsorption for Removal of Dilute As (V) from Wastewater. Journal of MMIJ. 2011. 127. 2. 82-87
more... MISC (11): -
所 千晴, 大和田 秀二. 都市鉱山の有効利用に適した破砕・粉砕方法 (特集 都市鉱山の有効利用のための方法論). 金属. 2012. 82. 7. 594-599
古賀千香子, 大和田秀二, 所千晴, 白鳥寿一, 湯本徹也. 廃携帯電話・廃通信基板中の各種レアメタル濃縮挙動の総括. 資源・素材学会春季大会講演集. 2011. 2011 (CD-ROM). ROMBUNNO.1120
菊谷英生, 小室隆将, 大和田秀二, 所千晴, 白鳥寿一, 湯本徹也. 廃通信基板からのレアメタル濃縮に及ぼす粉砕手法の影響. 資源・素材学会春季大会講演集. 2011. 2011 (CD-ROM). ROMBUNNO.1119
大和田 秀二, 所 千晴. 廃小型家電品からのレアメタル回収技術 (特集 資源回収とリサイクル技術). ケミカルエンジニヤリング. 2010. 55. 10. 729-734
古賀千香子, 菊谷英生, 後藤昌也, 松永恵里, 大和田秀二, 所千晴, 白鳥寿一, 湯本敏也. 部品選別・粉砕物選別による廃携帯電話・通信基板中のレアメタル濃縮-人工鉱床(RtoS)構想の一環として-. 資源・素材学会春季大会講演集. 2010. 2. 71-72
more... Patents (4): -
Education (1): - 1981 - 1984 Waseda University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Resources and Metallurgical Engineering
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Waseda University)
Work history (1): - 1959/04 - 現在 Dept. Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering, Faculty Sciencen and Engineering, Professor
Awards (5): - 2023/03 - The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ) Academic Achievement Award Fundamental and Practical Reseraches on Resources Processing Engineering
- 2021 - Ministry of the Environment Minister of the Environment Award Promotion of a Sound Material Cycle Society
- 2014/03 - The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ) Best Paper Award Quantitative Modelling of As(V) Wastewater Treatment by Ferrihydrite coprecipitation using Surface Complexation and Surface Precipitation Model
- 2004/03 - 資源・素材学会論文賞
- 1990/03 - 日本鉱業会奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration / AIME
, 環境資源学会
, 廃棄物学会
, 粉体工学会
, 資源・素材学会
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