J-GLOBAL ID:200901017259045922
Update date: Jan. 05, 2025 Yamamoto Masashi
ヤマモト マサシ | Yamamoto Masashi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (12):
, アセロラ
, カンキツ
, 染色体
, 遺伝資源
, 育種
, 果樹
, Citrus
, Chromosome
, Genetic Resources
, Breeding
, Fruit Tree
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18): - 2022 - 2025 Elucidation of the uniqueness, diversity, and usefulness of local citrus such as Shiikuwasha grown on the Ryukyu Islands
- 2020 - 2023 Rebuilding of origin and classification system in citrus - Analysis of Tanaka Tyozaburo's citrus dried leaf specimens and his research notes -l
- 2018 - 2022 Whole genome analysis to investigate the hybridization process between Japanese indigenous citrus and foreign derived citrus
- 2017 - 2021 Establishment of chromosome analysis methods and their application on genetic resources and genome studies in tropical fruits
- 2016 - 2019 Study of citrus taxonomy and origin and diffusion of citrus species - Analysis of Tanak's citrus specimens and cultural and sociological investigation -
- 2014 - 2018 Elimination of excess Potassium in farmland and activation of island economics by incorporation of mushroom cultivation into circulation system
- 2012 - 2018 Application of chromosome analysis on genome studies in fruit trees
- 2014 - 2017 Analysis of genetic relationships of citrus and its relatives by next generation sequencer
- 2012 - 2016 Investigation of sea road in citrus
- 2010 - 2012 Development and diffusion of stable production methods of high quality fruit of tankan (Citrus tankan Hayata) grown in the area from Southern Kyushu to Amami Islands under anathermal climate
- 2008 - 2010 Karyotyping and visualization of chromosomal sites of useful genes in pear
- 2007 - 2009 Study on origin and survey of seedless citrus
- 2006 - 2007 Elucidation of origin of citrus based on information from chromosome analysis
- 1999 - 2000 カンキツにおけるマンダリン類染色体の多様性の解明
- 果樹の遺伝資源に関する研究
- 果樹の育種に関する研究
- Study on genetic resources in fruit trees
- Study on breeding of fruit trees
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Papers (76): -
Eranga Pawani Witharana, Takaya Iwasaki, Myat Htoo San, Nadeeka U. Jayawardana, Nobuhiro Kotoda, Masashi Yamamoto, Yukio Nagano. Subfamily evolution analysis using nuclear and chloroplast data from the same reads. Scientific Reports. 2025. 15. 1
- Shimada, A, Kuramoto, K, Park, B.-J, Hashimoto, F, Yamamoto, M. Relationship between temperature and fruit quality during ripening period in passion fruit. Tropical Agriculture and Development. 2020. 64. 2. 47-53
- Toshiyuki Hamada, Kanako Harano, Rino Niihara, Hiromi Kitahara, Masashi Yamamoto, Charles S. Vairrapan, Fumito Tani, Satoaki Onitsuka, Hiroaki Okamura. Composition and monthly changes of the volatile constituents in the sour hetsuka-daidai citrus peel. Journal of Oleo Science. 2020. 69. 6. 643-648
- 山内正仁, 島田温史, 山田真義, 徳田裕二郎, 八木史郎, 黒田恭平, 香西直子, 山本雅史. 下水汚泥を用いた食用きのこ量産化技術の開発ときのこ栽培過程で発生するCO2の農業利用への検討. 土木学会論文集G(環境). 2019. 75. 7. 443-450
Imai, A, Kuniga, T, Yoshioka, T, Nonaka, K, Mitani, N, Fukamachi, H, Hiehata, N, Yamamoto, M, Hayashi, T. Single-step genomic prediction of fruit-quality traits using phenotypic records of non-genotyped relatives in citrus. PLoS ONE. 2019. 14. 8. e0221880-e0221880
more... MISC (86): -
Atsushi Imai, Takeshi Kuniga, Terutaka Yoshioka, Keisuke Nonaka, Nobuhito Mitani, Hiroshi Fukamachi, Naofumi Hiehata, Masashi Yamamoto, Takeshi Hayashi. Single-step genomic prediction of fruit-quality traits using phenotypic records of non-genotyped relatives in citrus. PLoS ONE. 2019. 14. 8
- 永野幸生, 三村高史, 古藤田信博, 松本亮司, 永野惇, 永野惇, 永野惇, 本庄三恵, 工藤洋, 山本雅史. ミカン亜科の分子系統解析. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2017. 16. 2. 107
- 福留 弘康, 山本 雅史. 2016年1月の寒波による唐湊果樹園の被害報告. 鹿児島大学農学部農場技術調査報告書. 2017. 18. 5-6
Differences in Cold Resistance of Some Evergreen Fruit Trees based on the Data obtained from the Freezes in 2016. 2017. 38. 11-16
A. Imai, T. Kuniga, T. Yoshioka, K. Nonaka, N. Mitani, H. Fukamachi, N. Hiehata, M. Yamamoto, T. Hayashi. Erratum to: Evaluation of the best linear unbiased prediction method for breeding values of fruit-quality traits in citrus (Tree Genetics & Genomes, (2016), 12, 6, 10.1007/s11295-016-1078-8). Tree Genetics and Genomes. 2017. 12. 6
more... Books (2): - Cybrization in Citrus unshin Marc.(satsuma mandarin) and C.sinensis(L.) Osbeck(sweet orange)
Biotechnolosy in Agriculture and Forestry Vol.49, Somatic Hybridization and crop Improvement II 2001
- Cybrization in Citrus unshin Marc.(satsuma mandarin) and C.sinensis(L.) Osbeck(sweet orange)
Biotechnolosy in Agriculture and Forestry Vol.49, Somatic Hybridization and crop Improvement II 2001
Lectures and oral presentations (5): -
(園芸学研究 別冊 2017)
(園芸学研究 別冊 2016)
DNAマーキングによるナシの品種・産地判別技術の開発 5.ニホンナシにおけるcopia型レトロトランスポゾンの発現と系統解析
(園芸学研究 別冊 2010)
CMA staining analysis of chromosomes in major Citrus species
(園芸学会雑誌. 別冊, 園芸学会大会研究発表 2005)
(378) Differential Host Reaction of a Cybrid Citrus and Its Parents to Citrus Canker(Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society, Fukuoka, March 28-30, 2004)
(Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan 2004)
Education (2): - - 1986 Kyoto Prefectural University Faculty of Agriculture
- - 1986 Kyoto Prefectural University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1): Work history (2): - 2015 - 現在 Kagoshima University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1998 - 2015 Kagoshima University Faculty of Agriculture
Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page