2011 - 2013 A Gaussian Shaped Resonator for Sensing Single Cell
2011 - 2012 ワンチップ型バルク弾性波型メタノール濃度センサの開発
2006 - 2010 外乱下においてサブ原子層レベルの感度を有するQCMの開発
2006 - 2010 Research of a nano-energy system creation
2006 - 2008 Development of real-time measurement techniques of surface reactions at the sub-atomic layer level under active environmental control
2006 - 2007 マイクロ電気化学システムによる細胞接着の3次元操作
2005 - 2007 Development of Electrochemical Biolithograpy and application to Cellular Chips
2002 - 2006 マイクロ・ナノマシニングを用いた水晶振動子型分子認識チップの創製
2002 - 2003 マルチチャンネル水晶振動子マイクロバランスの超小型化、高感度化に関する研究
2002 - 2003 微小空間における燃焼の制御・利用に関する研究
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Papers (165):
Taketeru Yokoyama, Ryosuke Takahashi, Keigo Iwamoto, Masayuki Sohgawa, Takashi Abe. Quartz Oscillator Based Complex Capacitive Sensor for Nondestructive Sensing Inside RC Structures. Electronics and Communications in Japan. 2025. 108. 1
Ryusuke Mitobe, Zhikai Geng, Takashi Abe, Kensuke Kanda, Masayuki Sohgawa. MEMS Tactile Sensor for Mimicking the Response of Human Tactile Sensation. Sensors and Materials. 2024. 36. 12. 5129-5129
Taketeru Yokoyama, Ryosuke Takahashi, Keigo Iwamoto, Masayuki Sohgawa, Takashi Abe. Quartz Oscillator based Complex Capacitive Sensor for Nondestructive Sensing Inside RC Structures. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 2024. 144. 12. 396-401
Hiiro Wakabayashi, Taisei Nambu, Takashi Abe, Haruo Noma, Masayuki Sohgawa. Dependence of Response to Bending and Torsional Deformation on Sealing Depth of MEMS Tactile Sensor in Elastomer Sheet. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 2024. 144. 11. 369-374
So Okako, Yosuke Tsukiyama, Takashi Abe, Masayuki Sohgawa. Trace Measurement by Fingerprint Type Surface Tactile Sensor for Texture Detection. IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 2024. 144. 9. 247-251
- 1997 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1992 Nagoya University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
博士(工学) (名古屋大学)
Work history (4):
2010/04 - 現在 Niigata University Graduate School of Science and Technology Advanced Materials Science and Technology Advanced Mechanical Science and Engineering Professor
2003/04 - 2010/03 Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering
2002/11 - 2006/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency
2001/04 - 2003/03 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering