J-GLOBAL ID:200901036070340596
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Inanaga Junji
イナナガ ジュンジ | Inanaga Junji
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.cm.kyushu-u.ac.jp/winanaga/ Research field (5):
Functional solid-state chemistry
, Synthetic organic chemistry
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research keywords (11):
, 不斉触媒
, 希土類錯体
, 有機金属化合物
, 物質変換
, 合成有機化学
, Chiral Recognition
, Asymmetric Catalysis
, Organometallic Chemistry
, Molecular Transformation
, Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): MISC (225): - Takeshi Hanamoto, Eri Hashimoto, Masayuki Miura, Hiroshi Furuno, Junji Inanaga. Reaction of N-methyl-5-tributylstannyl-4-fluoro-1H-pyrazole and its application to N-methyl-chromeno[2,3-d]pyrazol-9-one synthesis. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2008. 73. 12. 4736-4739
- Sadaji Tsukamoto, Kouji Okamoto, Junji Inanaga, Yuji Karasaki. Purification, characterization and biological activities of a garlic oligosaccharide. Journal of UOEH. 2008. 30. 2. 147-157
- 稲永純二, 古野裕史. 誘導適合型の不斉識別・不斉制御. ファインケミカル. 2008. 37. 5. 33
- 古野裕史, 鬼束聡明, 稲永純二. 高性能・高実用的キラル希土類錯体触媒の開発と利用. 化学工業. 2008. 59. 4. 318
稲永純二. 2~4族元素を活用する不斉反応設計:動的要素の積極利用. Organometallic News. 2008. 1. 20
more... Patents (25): -
Optically Active Polyhydric Phenol Derivative, Method for Producing the Same, and Application Thereof
Method for Producing Optically Active Amine Derivative
New Chiral Metal Complex Solid Catalyst, Its Intermediate, Method for Producing These and Method for Producing Asymmetric Epoxy Compound in Presence of the Catalyst
Catalyst for Asymmetric Epoxidation of Enones and Process for Producing Optically Active Epoxide Employing It
Catalyst for Asymmetric Epoxidation of Enones and Process for Producing Optically Active Epoxide Employing It
more... Books (19): - 触媒便覧(共著)
講談社 2008 ISBN:9784061543515
- 希土類の材料技術ハンドブック(共著)
NTS 2008
- ヨウ素化合物の機能と応用(共著)
シーエムシー 2005
- 有機化合物の合成VI 金属を用いる有機合成(共著)
丸善 2004
- 有機金属反応剤ハンドブック(共著)
化学同人 2003
more... Lectures and oral presentations (78): -
(JST研究成果活用プラザ東海研究会,「ファインケミカルズを指向する有機化学」 2009)
Dynamic Discrimination and Controlled Formation of Chirality
(Post-ISOR Symposium 2008)
New Use of (R,R)-BiBINOL Having Dynamic Axial Chirality. Highly Enantioselective Bronsted Acid-Base Bifunctional Catalysis of Michael Reactions
(The 9th International Symposium on Organic Reactions 2008)
Heterogeneous Catalysis with Reusable Rare Earth Coordination Polymers
(International Symposium on Advanced Green Catalysis and Materials 2008)
Rare Earth Coodination Polymer Catalysts for Fine Chemicals Synthesis
(2nd Symposium on Applied Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2008)
more... Education (4): - - 1975 Kyushu University
- - 1975 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1970 Kyushu University School of Sciences
- - 1970 Kyushu University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2): - Master of Science (Kyushu University)
- Doctor of Science (Kyushu University)
Work history (8): - 1993 - 2000 Kyushu University
- 1993 - 2000 Kyushu University, Associate Professor
- 2000 - - 九州大学 教授
- 2000 - - Kyushu University, Professor
- 1989 - 1993 岡崎国立共同研究機構分子科学研究所 助教授
- 1989 - 1993 Okazaki National Research Institutes, Associate Professor
- 1975 - 1989 Kyushu University
- 1975 - 1989 Kyushu University, Research Associate
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Committee career (10): - 2007 - 有機電気化学研究会 常任幹事
- 2002 - 2006 日本希土類学会 副会長
- 2006 - 有機合成化学協会 評議員
- 2006 - 日本希土類学会 会長
- 2006 - - 日本希土類学会会長
- 2005 - 近畿化学協会 評議員
- 2004 - 有機電子移動研究会 幹事
- 2004 - - 先導物質化学研究所 物質基盤化学部門長
- 1994 - 1997 有機合成化学協会 九州山口支部幹事
- 1996 - 日本希土類学会 理事
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Awards (6): Association Membership(s) (12):
, 有機電子移動研究会
, 触媒学会
, アメリカ化学会
, 近畿化学協会
, 有機合成化学協会
, 日本希土類学会
, 日本化学会
, American Chemical Society
, The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
, Rare Earth Society of Japan
, Chemical Society of Japan
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