J-GLOBAL ID:200901036753751710
Update date: Jan. 09, 2025 TORU SUZUKI
スズキ トウル | TORU SUZUKI
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Developmental biology
, Molecular biology
Research keywords (4):
, post-transcriptional mechanism
, 分子生物学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2018 - 2021 Analysis of liver regeneration through cell-cell interaction and identification of origin of regenerated hepatocytes
- 2009 - 2010 Analysis of the effects of cell growth and cell death regulation on tumor development using tumor mice models
- 2007 - 2007 糖転移酵素遺伝子アレイの確立と応用
- 2004 - 2005 細胞増殖抑制因子Tobの増殖・分化における役割とその発現制御機構の解析
- 2003 - 2004 癌抑制遺伝子産物Tobによる細胞増殖制御機構と細胞の癌化・老化機構の解析
- 2000 - 2004 Mechanisms of cell growth and malignant transformation regulated by protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
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Papers (42): -
Toru Suzuki, Miyuki Hoshina, Saori Nishijima, Naosuke Hoshina, Chisato Kikuguchi, Takumi Tomohiro, Akira Fukao, Toshinobu Fujiwara, Tadashi Yamamoto. Regulation of CCR4-NOT complex deadenylase activity and cellular responses by MK2-dependent phosphorylation of CNOT2. RNA biology. 2022. 19. 1. 234-246
Taishin Akiyama, Toru Suzuki, Tadashi Yamamoto. RNA decay machinery safeguards immune cell development and immunological responses. Trends in immunology. 2021. 42. 5. 447-460
Toru Suzuki, Shungo Adachi, Chisato Kikuguchi, Shinsuke Shibata, Saori Nishijima, Yurie Kawamoto, Yusuke Iizuka, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideyuki Okano, Tohru Natsume, et al. Regulation of Fetal Genes by Transitions among RNA-Binding Proteins during Liver Development. International journal of molecular sciences. 2020. 21. 23
Taku Ito-Kureha, Takahisa Miyao, Saori Nishijima, Toru Suzuki, Shin-Ichi Koizumi, Alejandro Villar-Briones, Akinori Takahashi, Nobuko Akiyama, Masahiro Morita, Isao Naguro, et al. The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex safeguards thymic positive selection by down-regulating aberrant pro-apoptotic gene expression. Nature communications. 2020. 11. 1. 6169-6169
Dina Mostafa, Akiko Yanagiya, Eleni Georgiadou, Yibo Wu, Theodoros Stylianides, Guy A Rutter, Toru Suzuki, Tadashi Yamamoto. Loss of β-cell identity and diabetic phenotype in mice caused by disruption of CNOT3-dependent mRNA deadenylation. Communications biology. 2020. 3. 1. 476-476
more... MISC (8): -
森あゆみ, 宮尾真衣, 友廣拓生, 深尾亜喜良, 足達俊吾, 夏目徹, 尾野本浩司, 米山光俊, 鈴木亨, 山本雅, et al. Translation control mediated by stress granule related factors G3BP1/2. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2023. 46th
宮尾真衣, 森あゆみ, 坂村由梨佳, 友廣拓生, 深尾亜喜良, 船上仁範, 足達俊吾, 夏目徹, 尾野本浩司, 米山光俊, et al. Redefining miRISC-mediated translation regulation. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022. 45th
鈴木亨, 友廣拓生, 菊口千智, 深尾亜喜良, 藤原俊伸, 山本雅. Different roles of catalytic subunits in the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2021. 44th
友廣拓生, 鈴木亨, 柳谷朗子, 深尾亜喜良, 泊幸秀, 山本雅, 山本雅, 藤原俊伸. CCR4-NOT脱アデニル化酵素複合体によるmRNA分解機構の解析. 日本RNA学会年会要旨集. 2019. 21st
- 友廣拓生, 坂村由梨佳, 大塚衆志, 深尾亜喜良, 鈴木亨, 山本雅, 泊幸秀, 藤原俊伸. MicroRNAを介した遺伝子サイレンシングにおけるCCR4-NOT脱アデニル化酵素複合体の機能解析. 日本RNA学会年会要旨集. 2018. 20th
more... Books (4): - 図説分子病態学 = Molecular patho-biochemistry and patho-biology
中外医学社 2014 ISBN:9784498008489
- シグナル伝達研究最前線2012 : 翻訳後修飾, 解析技術, 疾患との連関から創薬応用まで
羊土社 2012 ISBN:9784758103213
- 図説分子病態学
中外医学社 2003 ISBN:4498008421
- 細胞周期研究の新局面 : 細胞周期制御、染色体分配、減数分裂、発癌研究の最新動向とさらなる研究への広がり
羊土社 2003 ISBN:4897060966
Education (2): - 1996 - 2001 The University of Tokyo
- - 1996 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (4): - 2021/06 - 現在 The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science
- 2016/11 - 2022/03 理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター・疾患遺伝研究チーム
- 2012/04 - 2016/10 沖縄科学技術大学院大学 細胞シグナルユニット グループリーダー
- 2001/04 - 2012/03 The University of Tokyo The Institute of Medical Science Division of Oncology
Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page